Reforming the judicial system in the territory of Belarus during the reign of Paul I (1796–1801)
About the Author
I. H. HushchynskiBelarus
Ihar H. Hushchynski – Ph. D. (Hist.), Associate Professor
18 Sovetskaya Str., Minsk 220030
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27. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. Vol. 24. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1830. 872 p. (in Russian).
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32. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. Vol. 25. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1830. 936 p. (in Russian).
33. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. Vol. 25. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1830. 936 p. (in Russian).
34. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. Vol. 24. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1830. 872 p. (in Russian).
35. National Historical Archives of Belarus (NHAB). F. 1568, Op. 1, D. 87 (in Russian, Polish).
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39. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. Vol. 24. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1830. 872 p. (in Russian).
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41. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. Vol. 25. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1830. 936 p. (in Russian). 40 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series, 2021, vol. 66, no. 1, рр. 29–40
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44. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 2. Vol. 6, pt. 2. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1832. 693 p. (in Russian).
45. The complete code of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 2. Vol. 15, pt. 1. St. Petersburg, Printing house of the II Division of His Own Imperative Majesty’s Office, 1841. 961 p. (in Russian).