
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Bazilian education in the territory of belarus in the second half of XVII century


The article is devoted to undeveloped issue in historical science. Among the main objectives of the study are history of individual schools; efforts of Church leaders to intensify outreach activities; training local bazilianes in papal alyumnatah Vilnо, Brunsberg and Olomouc, the Greek college of Rome; methodological support of the educational process. The paper noted the existence in contemporary Belarus several important educational centers bazilianes – Minsk (up to 1655), Byten (second half 1660), Baruny (from the end of the XVII century). Their lack of proper amount is the main cause of the increasing role of foreign educational institutions. There was a direct relationship ecclesiastical career by studying abroad. Analysis of the specific provision of the Bazilian school schoolbooks showed that dominated in their foreign editions and Jesuit schoolbooks. Decline Vilna Unitarian printing house explained the publication of books of educational character themselves Uniate in Catholic publishing houses. Qualitative change in the situation was the new Uniate typography in Suprasl. The general condition of the Unitarian education in Belarus in the second half XVII century identified: Military devastation of the second half 1650 – early 1660; acute shortage of vehicles; competition from the Jesuits. Developed in these adverse conditions of the Bazilianes approaches to the organization of the learning process with a combination of its own educational traditions with the achievements of Catholic Education have allowed them to meet the needs of its denomination in a well-prepared priests and teachers

About the Author

А. F. Samusik
Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Andrey F. Samusik – Ph. D. (Hist.), Associate Professor

1 Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072


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