
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Architectural images of history and culture: contemporary interpretation


The problem of recreating historical and cultural events and phenomena in architectural images is raised for the first time in Belarusian art criticism. The work is devoted to the scientific understanding of images of modern architectural objects that reflect the theme of history and culture in the context of the simulated environment of society. Images of modern architecture are interpreted from the point of view of reflecting the world picture in their content and visualizing the memory of peoples about the historical past and cultural assets of human civilization. The research is based on an artistic and imaginative concept that allows us to interpret objects of modern architecture in the unity of three principles – as a cultural phenomenon of the digital age, as a cultural and historical phenomenon, as well as a way, form and product of mastering and reflecting reality. The article reveals the peculiarities of interpretation of historical and cultural themes in the imagery of modern buildings. The research focuses on the technological aspect of building modeling in the context of figurative architecture of the digital age. Through the deciphering of parables, the ideas of a person and society about spiritual values are revealed.

About the Author

Yu . Y. Zakharyna
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank

Yuliya Y. Zakharyna – D. Sc. (Art.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department   

18 Sovetskaya Str.,  Minsk 220030


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)