
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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New diplomatic history: formation, research directions and perspectives


The paper analyses the main methodological principles of the direction in studying the history of diplomacy – New diplomatic history. The precondition for the formation of this historiographical trend was the transition from a teleological and state-centered perception of history to actor-centrism (as applied to the history of diplomacy).

The main stages of development of the New diplomatic history are revealed. The substantive aspects of criticism of the classical approach to the history of European diplomacy and the process of the emergence of a permanent embassies mission are considered. In general, modern scholars are inclined to the problematic nature of identifying precise criteria for the permanent nature of diplomatic representation in the Early Modern period.

Examples of studies of various aspects of diplomatic history within the framework of the New diplomatic history are given. The socio-cultural aspects of the activities of a diplomat of the Modern period come to the fore in the research topics of representatives of this direction. In this regard, the attention of scientists is extended to such topics as the symbolic language of diplomacy, the role of art, everyday life in the work of a diplomat, informal channels of diplomacy, reflection of diplomats.

The characteristics of new basic sources for the study of the history of diplomacy in the Modern period are given. Modern historians pay great attention to personalized groups of sources, such as personal correspondence and memoirs of diplomats.

About the Author

D. V. Mazarchuk
Graduate School of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Dmitry V. Mazarchuk – Ph. D. (Hist.), Associate Professor

10 Kalinin Square, Minsk 220049



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