Peculiarities of the structural organization of financial terms in modern Chinese and Russian languages (comparative aspect)
The article deals with the features of the formal and structural organization of financial terms and designations in the Russian and Chinese languages of different structures, as well as the problems of distinguishing between one-word and names consisting of several words in the Chinese language. Special attention is paid to the problem of the correspondence of Chinese characters to the significant parts of the nominative unit and the division of Chinese financial names into significant structural fragments (morphemes, parts of complex and compound words, names consisting of several words, etc.). The main structural types of financial names in Russian (one-word and consisting of several words) and Chinese (simple, synthetic and consisting of several words) languages are identified, the differences of abbreviated names in Russian and Chinese languages are shown, the quantitative relations of the structural types of Russian and Chinese financial names are considered.
About the Author
Yu WeiBelarus
Yu Wei – Postgraduate student
21 Zakharov Str., Minsk 220034, Belarus
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