Modern teaching on the rights and freedoms of human and citizen
The article examines the doctrine of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The connection between the theory of human rights and freedoms and the history of the development of society is traced. The works of thinkers of the past are analyzed. The dynamics of views on the development of rights and freedoms is shown. Special attention is focused on two basic concepts of rights and freedoms – natural-legal and positivist, the general and special in their content are highlighted. Both of these concepts consider human rights as a certain view of the world outlook, worldview, which are based on the principle of humanism, and also as a system of humanistic values that determine relationships in society. Attention is drawn to the essential features of human rights. A brief analysis of three generations of human rights is carried out. It is emphasized that this classification is classical. However, new times force us to look at the classification problem in a new way. The classification of human and civil rights allows you to see their evolution, the historical connection of times, the general trend of development. The conclusion is substantiated that in the current period of human development, taking into account the achievements of science, primarily biomedicine, we can talk about the fourth generation of human rights, the socalled somatic rights. In this century, the focus on somatic human rights has become a feature. They increasingly occupy the attention of international organizations, become the subject of discussion at the national and international levels, since through their prism the nature of the relationship between a person and a state is assessed.
About the Author
D. G. VasilevichRussian Federation
Dmitriy G. Vasilevich – Ph. D. (Law), Assistant Professor, Head of Department
22 Internatsionalnaya Str., Minsk 220030, Belarus
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