
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Experiential marketing as an effective tool for promoting tourist services


The problems of the formation of a promising marketing concept – the experiential marketing, which was developed in the context of the formation of an economy of experiences, are examined.

The transformation of the classic marketing mix into the 9P model is reflected as part of the concept of experiential marketing. The relationship of experiential marketing and brand is shown, the ability of the brand to influence the creation of impression is noted.

It is shown that the use of experiential marketing can be considered not only in the context of promoting consumer brands, but also for promoting tourist territories. The impressions of the territory of residence will arouse emotions in the consumer, causing empirical experiences, will determine its success in conditions of high competition.

About the Author

Ye. M. Yelovaya
Belarusian National Technical University

Elena M. Yelovaya – MA (Econ.), Postgraduate student, Senior lecturer.

65 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220013, Belarus


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