Who benefits from the introduction of Western social standards?
The authors of the article have raised the problem of the influence of the Western liberal system of values on the conceptual foundations of the development of the Belarusian society, the formation of its national identity. The contours of new risks and challenges arising in this process in various spheres of national security of Belarus are outlined. A number of issues of strengthening the sovereignty of the Belarusian state in the context of global interpenetration of the standards of social behavior of various countries, which are proposed to be taken into account in the preparation of a new edition of the Concept of National Security of the Republic of Belarus, are considered.
About the Authors
E. M. BabosovBelarus
Evgeni M. Babosov – Academician, D. Sc. (Philos.), Professor, Chief Researcher
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
V. Yu. Archakou
Vladimir Yu. Archakou – Ph. D. (Law), Deputy State Secretary
38 Karl Marx Str., Minsk 220016
A. L. Bankowsk
Aleksej L. Bankowski – Ph. D. (Law), Head of Information and Analytical Department
38 Karl Marx Str., Minsk 220016
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