
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Syntactic functioning of verbal phraseological units with atypical structure


 The question concerning the syntax role of verbal phraseological units with an atypical structure is considered to be one of the complex issues of the syntax of a simple sentence (in their structure, such units do not have a verb component which may reflect such categories as type, tense, person, number). The aim of the research is to analyze the main patterns of the syntax functioning of verbal phraseological units with atypical structure in one- and two-parts sentences of the Belarusian language. The methodological base consists of the works of leading local and foreign linguists in phraseology and syntax. The material for the study is based on the factual material of the reputable phraseological dictionary of Mr. Lepeshev. The main methods are description, comparison, analytical research method, use of elements of quantitative calculations. The article considers the use issues of verbal phraseological units with an atypical structure in two-part sentences with a subject reflecting a person, a concrete or abstract subject. Mostly verb phraseological units are used in full sentences, but they can also be used in incomplete contextual ones. The author substantiates the use patterns of verbal phraseological units with an atypical structure which are used as a simple complexified verbal predicate in a two-parts sentence. The article also names and indicates factors influencing the functioning of verbal phraseological units in the role of linkers or copular parts. Being close in meaning to an infinitive, such units in combination with predicatives play the role of the main member of one-part impersonal sentences. The atypical functions of such units are the functions of definition, complement and adverbial of purpose. The article conclusions can be applied in lectures and practical classes in linguistics and cultural studies, as well as in the preparation of phraseological dictionaries.

About the Author

V. V. Marsheuskaya
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Valiantsina V. Marsheuskaya – Ph. D. (Philol.), Associate Professor

22 Ozheshko Str., Grodno 230023


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