
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Modern western concepts of military violence


The state of the military and political situation around Belarus is characterized by the dynamism of negative processes. Factors showing a high degree of military activity of geopolitical centers of power have been noted. The probability of using military force and other non-military measures against the state obliges us to continuously analyze the technologies of military violence. A regular trend of violence is revealed - the change of war paradigms from classical to non-classical. The face of modern military conflicts encompasses all spheres of social life. The main features of U. S. military policy after the end of the “cold war” are demonstrated. The American classification of the states of the world, according to which the U. S. builds relationships in the interests of geopolitical dominance, is considered. They use the technology of non-classical warfare, in which a significant role is given to information, political, diplomatic, ideological, economic and other resources of subordination of the opposite side to its will. The basic concepts of non-classical warfare and their characteristics are considered. Particular attention is paid to hybrid warfare. In military conflicts the most important place is given to information wars. The modern stage is characterized as conscientious warfare. Signs of the transition from “mental warfare” to “noosphere war” are revealed, when the mind is aimed at the destruction and subordination of the will of entire states for egoistic purposes to the will of the “world leader”. Western strategists actively use the technology of “gray zone” balancing between war and peace. It is concluded that the concepts of non-classical warfare play a significant role in modern military violence. Given the increase in military violence in the world, it is important to prioritize the military sphere of national security.

About the Author

V. A. Ksenofontov
Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus

Vladislav A. Ksenofontov - Ph. D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Ideological Work and Social Sciences, Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus.

220 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057 Minsk.


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