Introduction to the ethical and philosophical concept of moral discourse
This article describes the theoretical and methodological content of the ethical and philosophical concept of moral discourse, demonstrates its advantage in the sense of systematization and integration of heterogeneous theoretical prerequisites for the formation of the concept of moral discourse. It provides a number of ideas that have become prerequisites for the formation of the concept of discourse in philosophy and ethics. The contribution of the methodology of linguistic research, where the discourse was initially most developed, is noted. In addition, the work describes the specific parameters of the ethical and philosophical concept of moral discourse, which are caused by the nature of philosophical knowledge. A consistent analysis of the functions and main subjects of philosophy made it possible to reveal the synergy of the ideological, methodological, and socio-critical functions of philosophy, as well as to substantiate the integrity of moral discourse in the context of the ontological, epistemological, axiological and praxeological consideration. Thus, the paper shows the perspectiveness of the ethical and philosophical concept of moral discourse for disclosing its essence, structure and functions as integrity.
About the Author
M. G. ShatsernikBelarus
Miсhael G. Shatsernik – Ph. D. (Philos.), Junior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072.
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