Principles of compiling translation dictionaries of special (branch, terminological) vocabulary
Various aspects and principles for the preparation of translation dictionaries of special (sectoral, terminological) vocabulary are considered. The importance and feasibility of the terminological and terrimonographic activities in the modern Republic of Belarus are justified. The translation dictionary touches on semanticization issue of terminology single units, describes the possible sores of direct (verbal) semantization through the selection of the corresponding (equivalent), as well as other (additional) means of contextual semantization. Particular attention is paid to the illustrative material as a mandatory component of the dictionary article, describes the different ways of presenting it in the dictionary article.
About the Author
A. V. GubkinаBelarus
Elena V. Gubkina – Ph. D. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Belarusian State University.
4 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk, 220030.
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