Urbanization as a global trend of the socio-economic development in the countries and regions
The article examines foreign and domestic works devoted to the study of urbanization processes, its global trends, stage development of countries, consequences, management mechanisms. In addition, the specifics of the development of the urbanization process in Uzbekistan have been determined, on the basis of which problems in this area have been identified and a new approach has been formulated that will improve the current urban policy in the country.
Based on the analysis of the features of the global urban development trends, the heterogeneity and unevenness of the course of urbanization in foreign countries, depending on different degrees and stages of development, has been revealed. In addition, similar features of stadial development have been identified: starting from slow development, turning into rapid growth and accompanied by a further process of suburbanization and deurbanization.
Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the policies pursued in individual countries of the world in this direction, the positive and negative consequences and key instruments of urbanization regulation were identified, based on the need to avoid “artificial false urbanization”, which would lead to slum formation and economic lagging and to pay attention to integrated targeted and long-term planning of this direction, taking into account the issues of solving the problems of the urban economy, the implementation of regional policies based on the linking of urban centers and associated with adequate infrastructure.
Analysis of the dynamics of the development of urbanization in Uzbekistan showed that the country is at the initial stage of its development and in the system of world coordinates the level of urbanization remains relatively low. It is 147th place among 218 countries of the world and amounted to 50,5%. At the same time, a number of problems have been identified that hinder the socio-economic sustainable development of urban settlement, such as artificial urbanization; outdated master plans and urban infrastructure that do not meet modern requirements; housing policy unbalanced with transport and social infrastructure; high centralization of management functions and a weak management system for cities of various categories; the lack of a purposeful urban policy aimed at the integrated and sustainable development of regions and cities, as well as a high level of external migration.
Also, government measures to regulate this process in Uzbekistan were analyzed and the lack of a strategic vision for long-term urbanization development was revealed.
The author gives recommendations for regulating this process in the country and formulates a new comprehensive approach to urbanization, leading to sustainable socio-economic development of cities and associated with the strategy of regional, industrial, industrial and innovative development of the country.
About the Author
Yu. I. SalimovaBelarus
Yulduz I. Salimova – Рostgraduate student, Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072.
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