Conceptual foundations of research of life strategies of rural youth in Belarus
The article presents conceptual foundations of a theoretical and applied study of life strategies of the rural youth. An integral model for the analysis of life strategies has been proposed, aimed at identifying the main factors that shape, promote and hinder the implementation of various youth strategies in the context of life plans and orientations, requests, motivations, values of this social group, as well as taking into account the needs and prospects for the development of rural areas, agrarian industries. A method of empirical study of the life strategies of the rural youth has been proposed in the form of a scheme with the allocation of specific components of the analysis of socio-economic, socio-cultural and leisure, consumer strategies, as well as strategies for professional self-realization. Particular attention is paid to the demand for methods of managing regional development: strategic planning, project approach, which are used after studying of scientific literature and conducting surveys among the local population to model the socio-cultural development of rural areas on the basis of public opinion, statistical indicators of economic, social, cultural development. The importance of applying an interdisciplinary approach is noted, with taking into account the specifics of a particular region and the socio-demographic characteristics of young people, the need to develop indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the economy, culture, education, healthcare both in the republic and in its rural areas, regions.
About the Author
N. L. BalichBelarus
Natallia L. Balich – Ph. D. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of regional sociology
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
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