The issue of opening transit along the river Neman in the system of Soviet-Polish relations (1921–1931)
The article draws attention to the issue of opening transit along the river the Neman in Soviet-Polish relations 1921–1931. The solution of the issue was complicated by tense Polish-Lithuanian relations due to the unresolved territorial disputes between the parties. Organization of free transit along the river the Neman was important not only for establishing favorable trade relations between Poland and the Soviet state. The political and economic interests of the Soviet republics were significantly complicated by the uncertain status of the Neman: its declaration as an international river from Grodno to the mouth allowed Western states to interfere in the internal affairs of Lithuania and link Poland with Memel, regardless of the implementation of the Hymans plan. The signing of the Riga Peace Treaty and the beginning of the New Economic Policy became the starting point in a gradual process of transition from a real assessment of the international situation, but the foreign policy actions of the Soviet state were, as before, contradictory. The unresolved status of the disputed territories was added, which increased the level of conflict in the region. The nomination of the USSR of new requirements to the Polish leadership on the passage of wood along the river Neman did not lead desired results. Neither the Polish-Lithuanian negotiations in September-October 1925, nor the Soviet-Lithuanian meeting in November-December 1925 changed the case of timber rafting along the Neman.
About the Author
V. N. BorovskayaBelarus
Volha N. Borovskaya – Ph. D. (Hist.), Senior Scientific
1 Academicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072
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