
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Artistic interpretation of the socialization of personality in a foreign cultural society in the novel by Elena Bravo “Curfew for swallows”


The author examines the autobiographical novel “Curfew for Swallows” by the modern Belarusian writer Elena Bravo. The stages, functional components, the general structure of the processes of socialization and inculturation of personality, which are reflected in the literary text, are considered. The problems are identified and the cause-and-effect relationships of basic socialization and subsequent adaptation of the individual in a foreign cultural society are established. The article substantiates the increased relevance of autobiographical prose in connection with the processes of global globalization and industrialization of modern society, the main object of which is the younger generation. The article analyzes the general role of fiction as a socio-cultural practice that promotes the development of cultural competence and productive socialization of the individual, since the fundamental civilizational values and their semantic models are codified and transmitted in society largely through such phenomena as text and book. It is revealed that the autobiographical work of E. Bravo psychologically reliably reflects the content of socialization – a kind of convention between a person and society, a two-way process of mastering social norms and cultural values by an individual and their reproduction. It is argued that the story “Curfew for swallows” has a high socializing potential, is an effective catalyst for the reflexive activity of the reader, a stimulator of creative thinking, an indirect way of comprehending the norms and rules of social and social existence. 

About the Author

L. V. Aleinik
Belarusian State University

Lada V. Aleinik – Ph. D. (Philol.), Associate Professor
of the Department of the History of Belarusian Literature

4 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220050


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
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