
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Theoretical, methodological and practical foundations for developing a joint strategy for trade cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Ecuador


The article is devoted to the scientific, methodological and practical aspects of developing a joint strategy for trade cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Ecuador.

The review and systematization, taking into account the criteria proposed by the authors (the degree of external openness of the national economy, foreign trade priority, the impact on international trade, methods of its regulation), theories and concepts of foreign trade policy that determine its types, are carried out.

The features of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Ecuador are highlighted: orientation towards regional integration; establishing bilateral relations with third countries and concluding free trade agreements with non-Latin American (extra-regional) partners; strengthening economic cooperation at the level of integration groupings, etc.

The methodological basis of the joint strategy of the Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade cooperation has been developed, which contains three stages.

The key priorities of trade cooperation between Belarus and Ecuador were determined: increasing the volume of mutual trade according to the existing product range and commodity diversification of export baskets of partner countries; expansion of mutual trade on the basis of partners entering the markets of regional economic associations, of which Belarus and Ecuador are members; development and inclusion of the creative economy sector in the Belarusian-Ecuadorian relations; creation of joint institutions to support Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade relations, as well as increasing the efficiency of existing structures.

Measures recommended for inclusion in the joint action plan for the development of Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade cooperation in the following areas are proposed: a) diplomatic support for mutual trade; b) implementation of special support measures in the field of the creative (orange) economy as a factor in international trade; c) cooperation with the world’s leading retail chains; d) revitalization of the activities of chambers of commerce and industry; e) creation of additional conditions for Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade cooperation at the level of regional associations, etc.

About the Authors

T. S. Vertinskaya
Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tatyana S. Vertinskaya – D. Sc. (Econ.), Associate
Professor, Head of the Center for World Economy

1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072

Pedro Colon Valdivieso Salinas
Central University of Ecuador

Pedro Colon Valdivieso Salinas – lecturer 

51 Benjamin Chavez Str., Quito


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