Studies of consciousness in Russian philosophical discorse: specificity, problems and prospects (on the example of the works of Russian and Belarusian authors)
The author of the article considers and analyzes the main directions, problems and prospects of modern domestic philosophical studies of consciousness. A number of questions related to attempts to establish the main characteristics of the phenomenon of consciousness, to determine the key concepts and categories are raised. It is described to identify the structure of modern philosophical discourse. The main lines of development of interdisciplinary research of consciousness within the framework of such rapidly developing fields of knowledge as cognitive sciences, neurobiology, synergetic, etc. have been demonstrated. The paper establishes a general range of problems and issues related to the need for meaningful specification of concepts, substantiation of the arguments used in the study of this phenomenon. Poorly developed thematic blocks related to the issues of the origin of consciousness and its localization, the definition of its structural and content elements, the establishment of the mechanisms of its functioning, the practical implementation of the acquired knowledge are identified, which indicates the need for further attempts to study this object within the framework of philosophical discourse.
About the Author
S. G. DoroninaRussian Federation
Svetlana G. Doronina – Researcher
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk, 220072
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