Development of nuclear power in Belarus: a sociological analysis of the elasticity of public opinion
The article discusses the results of sociological monitoring of public opinion on the use of nuclear energy in Belarus. The main part presents an analysis of the data obtained from the results of a sociological study conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2022 on the assignment “Conduct sociological monitoring of public opinion of the population of the Republic of Belarus in order to form a positive attitude towards nuclear energy” of event 8 “Information and analytical support for the development of nuclear Energy in the Republic of Belarus” of subprogram 3 “Scientific support for the efficient and safe operation of the Belarusian nuclear power plant and promising areas for the development of nuclear energy” of the State Program “Science-intensive technologies and equipment” for 2021– 2025. The time intervals within which important events had a direct or indirect impact on public opinion about nuclear energy are characterized. A sociological method of calculation has been developed that makes it possible to trace the vector of public opinion’s response to nuclear energy (increase or decrease in the level of loyalty) to various internal or external factors. An assessment of the elasticity of public opinion about nuclear power is carried out with the construction of a typology of this elasticity. Also, self-assessments of the respondents’ formation and stability of their position regarding the implementation of the project “Belarusian NPP” were revealed. The need for systematic information and explanatory work among the population on all the main aspects of the practical use of nuclear energy is shown.
About the Author
A. V. MartyshchankavaRussian Federation
Alena V. Martyshchankava – Researcher
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
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