
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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. Gagauz in Belarus: forms of identification and degree of adaptation


The article examines the Gagauz of Belarus – one of the small and dispersed regional groups of this ethnic group. For the first time, both in Belarusian ethnology and in Gagauz studies, the Gagauz of Belarus became the object of scientific research. The periods of formation of this ethnic group in Belarus are noted: Soviet and post-Soviet. The author analyzes the forms of identification used by the Gagauz of Belarus and the degree of their adaptation in the Belarusian sociocultural space. This article is based on field research data collected personally by the author in 2020–2022.

From the data obtained during the survey, it follows that the Gagauz people feel comfortable in Belarus: the advantages of the Soviet era and socio-economic stability have been preserved here, there is no national question, the Russian language is one of the state languages, stable wages, housing, there is a future for children, etc. It is noted that the historically established tradition of intercultural dialogue and peaceful coexistence of various confessions among the population of Belarus, as well as the national policy pursued by the state, contribute to the formation of the significance of civic identity.

About the Author

E. N. Kvilinkova
Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Russian Federation

Elizaveta N. Kvilinkova – D. Sc. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher

1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072


1. Materials of field research by E. N. Kvilinkova for 2020–2022 on the topic “Gagauz of Belarus”. Archive of the Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. F. 6. Op. 14. D. 270–318. L. 1–288 (in Russian).

2. Kvilinkova E. N. Gagauz in the ethno-cultural space of Moldova: (folk culture and ethnic self-consciousness of the Gagauz through the prism of the connection of times). Chisinau, 2016. 731 p. (in Russian).

3. Kvilinkova E. N. Gagauz of Moldova and Bulgaria: (comparative study of calendar rituals, terms of kinship and folklore). Chisinau, Pontos Publ., 2005. 308 p. (in Russian).

4. Kvilinkova E. N. The cult of the wolf among the Gagauz through the prism of ethnocultural symbols. Chisinau, 2014. 472 p. (in Russian).

5. Kvilinkova E. N. Methods and practice of ethnological research. Minsk, 2020. 224 p. (in Russian).

6. Kvilinkova E. N. On the socio-cultural integration of the Gagauz into the Belarusian space. Belarus’ u gіstarychnai retraspektyve XIX–XXI stagoddzyau: etnakul’turnyya і natsyyanal’na-dzyarzhaunyya pratsesy: materyyaly Respublikanskai navukovai kanferentsyi (Gomel’, 14 kastrychnika 2021 g.) [Belarus in the historical retrospective of XIX–XXI stages: ethnocultural and national-dzyarzhan practices: materials of the republican scientific conference (Gomel, 14 October 2021). Gomel, 2021, pp. 111–117 (in Russian).

7. Kvilinkova E. N. General and special in the formation of national identity in Belarus and Moldova: from discursive practices to social acquisitions. Belaruskaya etnagrafіya, etnalogіya і antrapalogіya: zbornіk navukovykh artykulau [Belarusian ethnagraphy, ethnalogy and anthropology: collection of scientific papers]. Minsk, 2022, iss. 1, pp. 168–179 (in Russian).

8. Kvilinkova E. N. The concept of “Motherland” among the first wave of the Gagauz of Belarus. Nauka, obrazovanie, kul’tura: materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 31-i godovshchine Komratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Komrat, 11 fevralya 2022 g.: sbornik statei [Science, education, culture: materials of the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the Comrat State University, Comrat, February 11, 2022: collection of articles]. Comrat, 2022, vol. 2, pp. 379–385 (in Russian).

9. Kvilinkova E. N. Orthodoxy is the core of the Gagauz ethnicity. Comrat, Sofia, 2013. 872 p. (in Russian).

10. Kvilinkova E. N. Socio-normative culture of the Gagauz: traditions and transformations. Chisinau, 2020. 344 p. (in Russian).

11. Kvilinkova E. N. Traditional spiritual culture of the Gagauz: ethno-regional features. Chisinau, Business-Elita Publ., 2007. 840 p. (in Russian).

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13. Ostapenko L., Subbotina I. Traditional values of Gagauz people in the past and present. Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie = Journal of Ethnology and Culturology, 2019, vol. 25, pp. 29–38 (in Russian).

14. Population by nationality and native language: population census of the Republic of Belarus for 2009. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Available at: (accessed 01.05.2022) (in Russian).

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16. Ethnofor. Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. Available at:Этнофор (accessed 15.08.2022) (in Russian).


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