
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Conceptual trends in the ruralization of human capital


   The conceptual model of human capital ruralization forms common and unified approaches to the management of its development, contributing to an increase in the level of concentration of agrarian human capital in the context of rural areas. The platform for its practical implementation is an organizational and economic mechanism of human capital increase, based on the diversification of employment, motivation of labor and creative activity of the population and digitalization of rural areas, taking into account existing spatial socio-economic inequalities. The latter form the basis for the
typology of agrarian regions due to the features of natural and agricultural zones, the development of rural areas, the nature and intensity of population settlement, the availability of human resources, the demographic and gender structure of residents, socio-economic potential of the spatial economy, the state of infrastructure in rural areas, lifestyle, historical and cultural traditions and mentality. The formation of the theoretical basis, the systematization of methodological principles, and the identification of socio-economic regularities form the basis of the ruralistic concept of human capital concentration. This approach is based on the stage-by-stage development of adjacent (primary) territories, the transformation of which will subsequently create prerequisites for the modernization of the aggregate infrastructure of the so-called secondary area. This phenomenon can be characterized as a “reverse wave” of labor migration, the effect of which will also be reflected in the concentration of human capital in the agrarian regions. Thus, the complex mechanism of creating favorable living conditions, modernization of socio-economic infrastructure, expansion of the type range of agrarian productions and the list of services, deepening of diversification of employment of rural population forms the empirics of the concept of human capital ruralization.

About the Author

T. A. Tsetsiarynets
Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tatsiana A. Tsetsiarynets, Ph. D. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Scientific Secretary


1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2



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