
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The place and role of social sciences and humanities in the Belarusian society is addressed. Implementation results of the 2011–2015 State Program for Scientific Research in History, Culture, Society and the State are analyzed. The most important scientific results are specified which were achieved in the implementation of the Program in such areas as archaeology, history, economics, philosophy, sociology, linguistics, literature, art history, ethnology, law, and pedagogy. Major unique fundamental works are specified that unveil abundant historical, cultural and spiritual foundations of the Belarusian people. It is emphasized that the main tasks of humanitarian scholars are a) the advanced and reasonable justification of the historical legitimacy of the Belarusian statehood aimed to protect national interests of the Republic of Belarus in the world community; b) the preservation of spiritual and tangible historical and cultural values of the Belarusian people; and c) strengthening the international prestige of the Belarusian state and the Belarusian humanities in the world. Quantitative results of Belarusian humanitarian scholars’ contribution in the implementation of the History, Culture, Society and the State Program are presented. The conclusion is made that, working within the common scientific research program, humanitarian scholars in Belarus generally provide strong scientific support to the social, economic, political and cultural development of the modern Belarusian society, and contribute to maintaining social stability and preserving and developing Belarusian national culture.

About the Authors

A. A. Kovalenya
Department of humanities аnd arts, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Hist.), Professor, Academic Secretary

V. I. Levkovich
Department of humanities аnd arts, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Philos.), Associate Academic Secretary


1. (2016), Otchet o vypolnenii gosudarstvennoi programmy nauchnykh issledovanii na 2011–2015 gg. «Istoriya, kul'tura, obshchestvo, gosudarstvo» (zaklyuchitel'nyi) [Report on the Implementation of the 2011–2015 State Programme for Scientific Research in History, Culture, Society and the State (Final)], Minsk, BY.

2. Kavalenya, A. A., Smyakhovich, M. U., Kastsyuk, M. P., Danilovich, V. V., Zhylinski, M. G., Zabaўski, M. M., Nestsyarovich, M. B., Filatava, A. M., Golubeў, V. F., Yanoўski, A. A. and Yarmusik, E. S. (ed.) (2011), Gіstoryya belaruskai dzyarzhaўnastsі ў kantsy XVIII – pachatku KhKhІ st. : u 2 kn. Kn. 1. [History of the Belarusian Statehood in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries: in 2 Books, Book 1], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

3. Kastsyuk, M. P., Golubeў, V. F., Danilovich, V. V., Doўnar, A. B., Kavalenya, A. A., Lakiza, V. L., Markevich, A. M., Unuchak, A. U. and Yanoўskaya, V. V. (ed.) (2014), Gіstoryya Navagrudka – z glybіn' vyakoў da nashykh dzen [History of Novogrudok: From Ancient to Present Times], Belstan, Minsk, BY.

4. Shalanda, A. (2012), Sіmvaly і gerby zyamel' Belarusі ў Kh – KhVІІІ stst.: geral'dychna-sfragіstychnyya narysy [Symbols and Coat of Arms of Belarusian Lands in the 10th to 18th Centuries: Historical and Sphragistic Sketches], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

5. Salivon, I. I. and Marfina, O. V. (2013), Fizicheskii tip drevnego naseleniya Belarusi [Physical Type of Belarus’ Ancient Inhabitants], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

6. Myatsel'skі, A. A. (2014), Mstsіslaўskae knyastva і vayavodstva ў KhІІ–KhVIII stst. [Principality and Voivodeship of Mstislavl in the 12th to 18th Centuries], 2nd ed., Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

7. Grusha, A. I., Marozava, S. V., Kavalenya, A. A., Danilovich, V. V., Kiturka, Yu. V., Roўba, Ya. A., Khatskevich, G. A. and Yarmusik, E. S. (ed.) (2014), Vyalіkae knyastva Lіtoўskae і yago susedzі ў XIV–XV stst.: sapernіtstva, supratsoўnіtstva, urokі: Da 600-goddzya Grunval'dskai bіtvy: materyyaly Mіzhnar. navuk. kanf. (Grodna, 8–9 lіp. 2010 g.) [The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Its Neighbours in the 14th to 15th Centuries: Rivalry, Cooperation and Lessons: To the 600th Anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Grodno, 8–9 July 2010)], 2nd ed., Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

8. Nasevich, V. L., Kuznyatsoў, G. I., Adamushka, U. I., Kavalenya, A. A. Yanoўskaya, V. V., Bandarenka, K. M., Verzun, M. A., Danilovich, V. V., Kastsyuk, M. P. and Varachkina, T. I. (ed.) (2009), Vyalіkі gіstarychny atlas Belarusі, T. 1 [Large His torical Atlas of Belarus, Vol. 1], Belkartografiya, Minsk, BY.

9. Nasevich, V. L., Kuznyatsoў, G. I., Adamushka, U. I., Kavalenya, A. A. Yanoўskaya, V. V., Bandarenka, K. M., Verzun, M. A., Danilovich, V. V., Kastsyuk, M. P. and Varachkina, T. I. (ed.) (2013), Vyalіkі gіstarychny atlas Belarusі, T. 2 [Large His torical Atlas of Belarus, Vol. 2], Belkartografiya, Minsk, BY.

10. Nasevich, V. L., Kuznyatsoў, G. I., Adamushka, U. I., Kavalenya, A. A. Yanoўskaya, V. V., Bandarenka, K. M., Verzun, M. A., Danilovich, V. V., Kastsyuk, M. P. and Varachkina, T. I. (ed.) (2016), Vyalіkі gіstarychny atlas Belarusі, T. 3 [Large Historical Atlas of Belarus, Vol. 3], Belkartografiya, Minsk, BY.

11. Kavalenya, A. A., Smyakhovich, M. U., Kastsyuk, M. P., Danilovich, V. V., Zhylinski, M. G., Zabaўski, M. M., Nestsyarovich, M. B., Filatava, A. M., Golubeў, V. F., Yanoўski, A. A. and Yarmusik, E. S. (ed.) (2011), Gіstoryya belaruskai dzyarzhaўnastsі ў kantsy XVIII – pachatku KhKhІ st.: u 2 kn., kn. 1 [History of the Belarusian Statehood in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries: in 2 Books, book 1], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

12. Kavalenya, A. A., Smyakhovich, M. U., Kastsyuk, M. P., Danilovich, V. V., Zhylinski, M. G., Zabaўski, M. M., Nestsyarovich, M. B., Filatava, A. M., Golubeў, V. F., Yanoўski, A. A. and Yarmusik, E. S. (ed.) (2012), Gіstoryya belaruskai dzyarzhaўnastsі ў kantsy XVIII – pachatku KhKhІ st.: u 2 kn., kn. 2 [History of the Belarusian Statehood in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries: in 2 Books, book 2], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

13. Yanoўskaya, V. V. (2015), Kanfesіiny faktar u satsyyal'nym razvіtstsі Belarusі (kanets KhVIII – pachatak KhKh st.) [Confessional Factor in the Social Development of Belarus (Late 18th – Early 20th Centuries)], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

14. (2011), 1941 god: Strana v ogne: v 2 kn. Kn. 1. Ocherki [1941: The Country on Fire: In 2 Books, Book 1, Essays], OLMA Media Grupp, Moscow, RU.

15. Abaturov, V. V., Litvin, A. M., Kiknadze, V. G., Basik, I. I., Kovalenya, A. A. and Nikiforov, N. I. (ed.) (2014), Osvobozhdenie Belarusi. 1943–1944 [Liberation of Belarus. 1943–1944], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

16. Kovalenya, A. A., Reginya, A. L., Litvin, A. M., Danilovich, V. V., Lakiza, V. L., Solov′yanov, A. P. and Voronkova, I. Yu. (ed.) (2015), Belarus': pamyatnoe leto 1944 goda: materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 70-letiyu osvobozhdeniya Belarusi ot nemetsko-fashistskikh zakhvatchikov (Minsk, 19–20 iyunya 2014 g.) [Belarus: The Unforgettable Deed of 1944: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Belarus from the Nazi Invaders], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

17. Litvin, A. M., Bezlepkin, Ya. P., Voronkova, I. Yu., Dolgotovich, B. D., Zdanovich, V. V., Kovalenya, A. A., Kozak, K. I., Krivorot, A. A., Timonova, A. V., Kuz′menko, V. I., Pavlov, V. P. and Smekhovich, N. V. (2015), Vklad belorusskogo naroda v Pobedu v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine [The Belarusian People’s Contribution to the Victory inthe Great Patriotic War], in Kovalenya, A. A., Litvin, A. M., Danilovich, V. V. and Zhilinskii, M. G. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

18. Kavalenya, A. A., Danilovich, V. V., Dulaў, A. M., Kosaў, A. P., Litvin, A. M., Nikalaeva, I. U., Padgurski, P. M., Savitski, G. U. and Yakaўleva, G. M. (ed.) (2015), Vіtsebshchyna ў gady Vyalіkai Aichynnai vainy : zbornіk navukovykh artykulaў [Vitebsk Land in the Years of the Great Patriotic War: A Collection of Scientific Articles], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

19. Lokotko, A. I., Knyazeva, O. N., Morozov, E. V. and Izotova, O. V. (2011), Turisticheskaya mozaika Belarusi [A Mosaic of Tourist Attractions in Belarus], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

20. Gurko, A. V., Uleichik, N. L., Gruntov, S. V., Rakova, L. V., Bokhan, L. V., Kukharonak, T. I., Gurko, A. V., Sheibak, V. V., Sakuma, S. L., Bunkevich, N. S., Popov, I. A., Martynova, M. Yu. and Grigor′eva, R. A. (2014), Etnokul'turnye protsessy Grodnenskogo Poneman'ya v proshlom i nastoyashchem [Past and Present Ethnocultural Processes in the Neman Area of Grodno Oblast], in Gurko, A. V., Rakova, L. V. and Gurko, A. V. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

21. Bas′ko, V. I., Valodzina, T. V., Varfalameeva, T. B., Kozenka, M. A., Kukharonak, T. I., Smirnova, I. Yu. and Tsitoў, V. S. (2010), Tradytsyinaya mastatskaya kul'tura belarusaў: u 6 t. T. 5. Tsentral'naya Belarus': u 2 kn. Kn 1 [Traditional Art Culture of Belarusians: In 6 Vol., Vol. 5: Central Belarus: In 2 Books, Book 1], in Varfalameeva, T. B. (ed.), High school, Minsk, BY.

22. Boganeva, A. M., Valodzina, T. V., Kozenka, M. A., Labacheўskaya, V. A. and Smirnova, I. Yu. (2011), Tradytsyinaya mastatskaya kul'tura belarusaў: u 6 t. T. 5. Tsentral'naya Belarus': u 2 kn. Kn 2 [Traditional Art Culture of Belarusians: In 6 Vol., Vol. 5: Central Belarus: In 2 Books, Book 2], in Varfalameeva, T. B. (ed.), High school, Minsk, BY.

23. Mazyuk, I. V., Valodzina, T. V., Varfalameeva, T. B., Kozenka, M. A., Kukharonak, T. I., Smirnova, I. Yu. and Tsitoў, V. S. (2012), Tradytsyinaya mastatskaya kul'tura belarusaў: u 6 t. T. 6. Gomel'skae Palesse і Padnyaproўe: u 2 kn. Kn. 1 [Traditional Art Culture of Belarusians: In 6 Vol., Vol. 6: Palesie and the Dneper Area in Gomel Oblast: In 2 Books, Book 1], in Varfa- lameeva, T. B. (ed.), High school, Minsk, BY.

24. Boganeva, A. M., Valodzina, T. V., Kozenka, M. A., Labacheўskaya, V. A. and Smirnova, I. Yu. (2012), Tradytsyinaya mastatskaya kul'tura belarusaў: u 6 t. T. 6. Gomel'skae Palesse і Padnyaproўe: u 2 kn. Kn. 2 [Traditional Art Culture of Belarusians: In 6 Vol., Vol. 6: Palesie and the Dneper Area in Gomel Oblast: In 2 Books, Book 2], in Varfalameeva, T. B. (ed.), High school, Minsk, BY.

25. Batvinnik, M. B., Byan′ko, U. U., Kulagin, A. M., Prakaptsoў, U. I., Knyazeva, V. M., Budz′ko, U. D. and Churakova, T. R. (2011), Garady і veskі Belarusі: entsykl. T.8. Mіnskaya voblasts'. Kn. 2 [Towns and Villages in Belarus: An Enciclopedia. Vol. 8. Minsk Oblast, Book 2], in Lakotka, A. I., Byalova, T. U., Yazykovich, L. U., Kavalenya, A. A., Bazhenaў, Yu. V., Zhukoўskaya, T. I., Malei, G. M., Nikitsin, M. G., Pilipenka, M. F., Shchats′ko, V. U. and Kalistratava, V. V. (ed.), Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovki, Minsk, BY.

26. Vitaleva, V. V., Kazloўskaya, M. M., Udal′tsoў, V. M., Badakoў, V. A., Knyazeva, V. M., Martseleў, S. V., Filatava, A. M. and Charnyaўskaya, T. I. (2012), Garady і veskі Belarusі: entsykl. T.8. Mіnskaya voblasts'. Kn.3 [Towns and Villages in Belarus: An Enciclopedia. Vol. 8. Minsk Oblast, Book 3], in Lakotka, A. I., Byalova, T. U., Yazykovich, L. U., Shchats′ko, V. U., Kavalenya, A. A., Aksenava, K. S., Kalistratava, V. V., Danilovich, V. V., Bazhenaў, Yu. V., Zhukoўskaya, T. I., Malei, G. M., Nikitsin, M. G., Pilipenka, M. F. and Roslik, T. F. (ed.), Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovki, Minsk, BY.

27. Knyazeva, V. M., Charnyaўskaya, T. I., Ramanaў, G. F., Udal′tsoў, V. M., Shamruk, A. S., Vitaleva, V. V., Gabrus′, T. V., Kudraўtsaў, I. F., Shcharbataў, A. G., Duleba, G. I., Mal′tsaў, U. V. and Pyatrosava, A. Yu. (2013), Garady і veskі Belarusі: entsykl. T.8. Mіnskaya voblasts'. Kn.4 [Towns and Villages in Belarus: An Enciclopedia. Vol. 8. Minsk Oblast, Book 4], in Byalova, T. U., Yazykovich, L. U., Shchats′ko, V. U., Kavalenya, A. A., Kalistratava, V. V., Danilovich, V. V., Lakotka, A. I., Bazhenaў, Yu. V., Zhukoўskaya, T. I., Malei, G. M., Nikitsin, M. G., Pilipenka, M. F. and Roslik, T. F. (ed.), Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovki, Minsk, BY.

28. Malynava, N. P., Mal′tsaў, U. V., Ramanaў, G. F., Prakaptsoў, U. I., Knyazeva, V. M., Kulagin, A. M., Shcharbataў, A. G., Duleba, G. I., Pyatrosava, A. Yu. and Byan′ko, U. U. (2014), Garady і veskі Belarusі: entsykl. T. 8. Mіnskaya voblasts'. Kn. 5 [Towns and Villages in Belarus: An Enciclopedia. Vol. 8. Minsk Oblast, Book 5], in Alyaksandraў, U. Yu., Shchats′ko, V. U., Kavalenya, A. A., Kalistratava, V. V., Yazykovich, L. U., Danilovich, V. V., Lakotka, A. I., Bazhenaў, Yu. V., Zhukoўskaya, T. I., Malei, G. M., Nikitsin, M. G., Pilipenka, M. F. and Roslik, T. F. (ed.), Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovki, Minsk, BY.

29. Knyazeva, V. M., Vitaleva, V. V., Shcharbataў, A. G., Pyatrosava, A. Yu., Batsyaeў, V. F., Budz′ko, U. D., Udal′tsoў, V. M. and Shamruk, A. S. (2015), Garady і veskі Belarusі: entsykl. T.9. Grodzenskaya voblasts'. Kn.1 [Towns and Villages in Be-larus: An Enciclopedia. Vol. 9. Grodno Oblast, Book 1], in Kraўtsoў, U. V., Ananich, L. S., Andryevich, U. U., Agei, A. A., Goi, M. B., Dzyashko, U. I., Zhuk, I. A., Kaval′ko, A. D., Kulisevich, A. S., Liskovich, V. A., Rozum, M. A., Sarasek, M. E., Sits′ko, M. M., Shuleika, Yu. V., Kavalenya, A. A., Lakotka, A. I., Danilovich, V. V., Lukashanets, A. A., Pilipenka, M. F., Kalistratava, V. V., Baranaў, P. V., Zhukoўskaya, T. I., Malei, G. M., Nikitsin, M. G., Roslik, T. F. and Yazykovich, L. U. (ed.), Belarusian Encyclopedia named after P. Brovki, Minsk, BY.

30. Gnіlamedaў, U. (2006), Ulіs z Pruskі [Ulysses from Pruska], Imaginative literature, Minsk, BY.

31. Gnіlamedaў, U. (2014), Vaina [War], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

32. Gnіlamedaў, U. (2007), Rasiya [Russia], Kharvest, Minsk, BY.

33. Luchenok, A. I., Gusakov, V. G., Daineko, A. E., Pekut′ko, P. N., Vardevanyan, G. L., Dedkov, S. M., Goncharov, V. V., Korshunov, A. N., Kolotukhin, V. A., Laevskaya, N. O., Mel′nikova, I. N., Medvedev, V. F., Pochekina, V. V., Medvedev, E. K., Griboedova, I. A., Sadovskaya, T. V., Motorina, O. I., Pashkevich, I. V., Shamshur, A. V., Popkova, A. S., Shuleiko, O. L., Do-rozhkin, S. Yu., Razorenova, L. V., Pilyutik, A. A., Shpak, A. P., Bulko, O. S., Gavrilenko, D. A., Kuz′menok, V. I., Yaku- buk, Yu. P., Andilevko, T. V., Veremeichik, T. V., Ivanov, F. F., Padalko, L. P., Tsilibina, V. M., Piletskii, K. V., Trubitsyna, E. V., Tsedrik, A. V., Nikitenko, P. G., Levkevich, V. E. and Khorobrykh, E. V. (2015), Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaya model': stanovlenie i razvitie: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika: v 2 kn. Kn. 1 [Socio-economic Model: Formation and Development: Theory, Methodology and Practice: In 2 Books, Book 1], in Gusakov, V. G. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

34. Luchenok, A. I., Shuleiko, O. L., Presnyakova, E. V., Kolesnikova, I. I., Goncharov, V. V., Korshunov, A. N., Ko lo-tukhin, V. A., Laevskaya, N. O., Mel′nikova, I. N., Rogatko, D. A., Shakhot′ko, L. P., Bobrova, A. G., Daineko, A. E., Griboedova, I. A., Sadovskaya, T. V., Motorina, O. I., Nesterovich, D. A., Abramchuk, N. A., Beresnev, D. V., Khorobrykh, E. V., Aksyuchits, A. V., Gerasimovich, A. A., Litvinchuk, A. A., Shvedko, P. V., Abramchuk, N. A., Bulko, O. S., Gavrilenko, D. A., Andilevko, T. V., Milashevich, E. A., Pashkevich, I. V., Chervinskii, E. A., Gusakov, V. G., Vertinskaya, T. S. and Kalinkovich, V. A. (2015), Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaya model': stanovlenie i razvitie: teoriya, metodologiya, praktika: v 2 kn. Kn. 2 [Socioeconomic Model: Formation and Development: Theory, Methodology and Practice: In 2 Books, Book 2], in Griboedova, I. A., Gusakov, V. G. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

35. Gusakov, V. G., Daineko, A. E., Dedkov, S. M., Goncharov, V. V. and Griboedova, I. A. (2015), Belarus' 2020: nauka i ekonomika : kontseptsiya kompleksnogo prognoza nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa i prioritetnykh napravlenii nauchnotekhnicheskoi deyatel'nosti v Respublike Belarus' na period do 2020 goda [Belarus 2020: Science and Economy: A Concept for Integrated Forecating of Scientific and Technical Progress and PriorityAreas for Scientific and Technical Activity in the Republic of Belarus up to 2020], in Gusakov, V. G. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

36. Gusakov, V. G., Daineko, A. E., Dedkov, S. M., Beresnev, D. V., Bogdan, N. I., Bulko, O. S., Vertinskaya, T. S., Goncharov, V. V., Griboedova, I. A., Levkovich, A. P., Luchenok, A. I., Motorina, O. I., Polonik, S. S., Sadovskaya, T. V., Sapel-kin, E. P., Turko, V. A. and Shpak, A. P. (2015), Nauchnyi prognoz ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Respubliki Belarus' do 2030 go da [A Scientific Forecast of Economic Development in the Republic of Belarus up to 2030], in Gusakov, V. G. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

37. Daineko, A. E., Medvedev, V. F., Vertinskaya, T. S., Beresnev, D. V., Abramchuk, N. A., Shvedko, P. V., Chervin- skii, E. A., Mochalov, M. E., Trubitsyna, E. V. and Khorobrykh, E. V. (2014), Vneshnetorgovaya politika i konkurentosposobnost' Respubliki Belarus' [The Foreign Trade Policy and Competitiveness of the Republic of Belarus], in Daineko, A. E. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

38. Luchenok, A. I., Shuleiko, O. L., Presnyakova, E. V., Popkova, A. S., Rumyantseva, O. I. Gerasimova, V. G., Mar-kusenko, M. V., Mateichuk, T. S., Osmolovets, S. S., Kolesnikova, I. V., Mukha, D. V., Zaitseva, E. V., Korob, A. N., Kuz′men-kova, N. S., Nikiforova, S. L. and Osmolovskaya, N. L. (2015), Makroekonomicheskie aspekty obespecheniya sbalansirovannosti natsional'noi ekonomiki [Macroeconomic Aspects of Balancing an National Economy], in Luchenok, A. I. (ed.), Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

39. Baranovskii, N. A. (2011), Antideviantnaya politika: teoriya i sotsial'naya praktika [Anti-deviation Policy: A Theory and Social Practice], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

40. Babosov, E. M. (2011), Sotsiologicheskie ocherki ustoichivogo razvitiya Belarusi [Sociological Essays on Belarus’ Sustainable Development], RIVSh, Minsk, BY.

41. Babosov, E. M. (2015), Chelovekomernost' sotsial'nykh system [Human Measuredness of Social Systems], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

42. Sokolova, G. N. (ed.) (2014), Rynok truda Respubliki Belarus' v sotsiologicheskom izmerenii [The Labour Market in the Republic of Belarus in theSociological Dimention], Belarusian science, Minsk, BY.

43. Babosov, E. M., Babosova, E. S. and Mamedov, A. K. (2013), Teoreticheskaya sotsiologiya Tolkota Parsonsa [Talcott Parsons’ Theoretical Sociology], MAKS Press, Moscow, RU.

44. Babosov, E. M. (2011), Sotsiologiya: uchebnik [Sociology: A Textbook], TetraSistems, Minsk, BY.

45. Babosov, E. M., Babkin, V. P. and Mamedov, A. K. (2012), Sotsiologiya upravleniya: ucheb. posobie: dlya sistemy korporativnoi ucheby [Sociology of Management: A Textbook for Corporate Training], MAKS Press, Moscow, RU.

46. Babosov, E. M., Vainilovich, E. G. and Babosova, E. S. (2012), Upravlenie personalom [Personnel Management], TetraSistems, Minsk, BY.

47. Smirnova, R. A., Kuz'menko, T. V. and Balakireva, T. S. (2012), Sotsial'no-kul'turnyi portret sel'skikh regionov Belarusi. Vitebskaya oblast' [A Social and Cultural Portraitof Rural Belarus. Vitebsk Oblast], Law and Economics, Minsk, BY.

48. Smirnova, R. A., Kuz'menko, T. V. and Balakireva, T. S. (2012), Sotsial'no-kul'turnyi portret sel'skikh regionov Belarusi. Brestskaya oblast' [A Social and Cultural Portraitof Rural Belarus. Brest Oblast], Law and Economics, Minsk, BY.

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