
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The article reviews world-system approach research results based on the social network analysis as a methodological tool to identify structural characteristics of world-systems that go beyond the differentiation between core, semi-periphery and periphery, as is traditional for the world-system approach. This leads to a more complex set of categories and concepts in the world-system approach which includeds the categories of weak and strong periphery/semi-periphery etc. Using the social network analysis gives the world-system approach additional heuristic potential to describe the highly organized structure and dynamics of a world-system; however, this method is largely used to verify basic intuitive structuralist provisions of the world-system approach. At the same time, a network is used as methodological tool to conceptualize a world-system and is not regarded ontologically self-sufficient as in the network approach.

About the Author

V. Sivitski
Institute of Philosophy, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
MA (Philos.), Junior Scientific Researcher


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