
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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YOUTH IN THE BSSR industrial DEVELOPMENT (1928–1939)


Young people are known to be an important social and demographic group in the structure of any society and the state. The future of any nation is connected with the younger generation. One could even state that young people are the engine of social and economic transformation. Therefore, studying the historical experience of the younger generation’s activities is essential to develop an effective and verified state youth policy nowadays. This article explores participation of young people in the development of the BSSR industry during the industrialization policy implementation period between 1928 and 1939. Methodologically, the study was based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, systemic examination of facts and phenomena, and comparative analysis. It is concluded that the Young Communist League which enjoyed support from the Communist Party and the Soviet State was active in organizing participation of young people in the industrial development, though not always successfully. The younger generation was actively involved in the industrial development and construction of industrial facilities both in the BSSR and other USSR regions. In general, young people played a crucial role in the successful implementation of the industrialization policy, creation of a strong domestic industry and acceleration of the BSSR industrial development. At the same time, the organization of young people’s participation in the country’s industrial development was far from being flawless.

About the Author

V. V. Danilovich
Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ph. D. (Hist.), Assistant Professor, Director


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
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