
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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The article explores an issue which has so far received little attention in Belarusian historiography, i.e. military preparations by the Polish authorities among Western Belarusian youth in the Interwar Period. Main objectives and areas of activities to involve the society in strengthening the defence capacity of the Polish state and specifics of these activities in Western Belarus are described. The role which public and governmental structures, first of all, militarized youth organizations, the army and education system played in military training (MT) for the young generation is evaluated. It is noted that these activities particularly intensified after the Sanation regime was established in the Polish state. It was headed by Marshal J. Pilsudski who initiated a rigidly centralized MT system. Besides ensuring military training for the younger generation, Polish authorities tasked themselves with educating it in terms of loyalty and patriotism. In the Western Belarusian context, that meant clear-cut polonization. A separate analysis covers main barriers to efficiently implement MT for young people in Western Belarus. These are, first of all, the region’s social and economic backwardness, and hostile attitude among the majority of the local population towards any action by Polish authorities. The article uses various documentary and historiographcal sources.

About the Author

V. I. Krivuts
Baranovichi State University
Ph. D. (Hist.), Assistant Professor


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