The article considers the value and theoretical specificity of the Chinese Marxism, the ideological foundation of the national modernization project of the People’s Republic of China. Its discursive and categorical space is problematized against the background of classical Marxism. Тhe correlation of the value-ideological and pragmatic aspects of Marxism with Chinese characteristics is revealed, which serves as an actual occasion for discussing the possibilities and limits of the participation of the humanitarian theory in the design of strategies for social transformations. The tradition of Sinification of Marxism is formed by several generations of social scientists and ideologists. The unique dialectic of the stability and variability of the discursive space of Chinese Marxism, the pragmatization of the theory to meet the challenges of social practice, openness to global trends and fidelity to national traditions should be understood simultaneously as both a condition and a product of China’s successful progressive development.
About the Author
V. A. BelokrylovaBelarus
Ph. D. (Philos.), Head of the Knowledge Management and Competence Center
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