One of the most acute problems of the present is the crisis phenomena in the institute of family connected with the weakening of its basic functions of reproduction and primary socialization. Being consequences of the dominant way of life of an individual in the conditions of a modern postindustrial society, the processes happening with the family at the theoretical level are comprehended through a methodology that has been formed within the framework of a more static industrial society. The aim of the research is to systematize the available theoretical approaches and substantiate the conceptual scheme based on the synthesis of the axiological-normative understanding of the social institution of T. Parsons and the idea of the institutionalization of P. Berger and T. Lukman. Based on the analysis of available approaches, it is shown that most of the studies of the family institute rely on the structural-functional approach in its Soviet modification. The article substantiates the possibility of supplementing it with the provisions of the theory of social construction of reality. It is shown that family values can be viewed through a three-level value-normative complex that includes the family value as a universally shared cultural standard, family values of individuals and individual normative representations. This approach focuses on the value component of the institution of the family. On the one hand, this is in accordance with the conclusions of the leading family researchers that the changes in value orientations lie at the basis of the transformation of the family. On the other hand, it contributes to the development of effective family policy measures that take into account the existence of diverse family models, as well as the development of an integrated approach, where axiological measures will have their conceptual justification.
About the Author
N. A. SosnovskayaBelarus
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