The prospects of literature research in its connections and interaction with other national literatures are substantiated. The comparative studies, which investigate the art works on the basis of their comparative and cognitive analysis, like no other discipline, on the one hand, trace the general trends in the development of the verbal art, and on the other, reveal the distinctive, specific features and characteristics of the historical literary process. The author reveals the characteristic features of the complex scientific project “Belarusian-European Literary Interrelations and Imagology: Myths, Stereotypes, Reality”, which is carried out within the State Program of Scientific Research “Economy and Humanitarian Development of the Belarusian Society” (2016–2020). The innovative character of the researchers of the Department of Literature Interrelations of the Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is underlined. Within the project, for the first time in literary studies, the specific features of the formation and evolution of the images of Spain and the Spaniards, embodied in the works of Belarusian writers, are being studied. The analysis of the presence of the ideological, thematic, artistic and figurative components associated with Ukrainian national and cultural realities in the Belarusian literature of the 20th century, is being conducted. The images of historical personalities in the Eastern Slavonic prose of the beginning of the 21st century as well as the phenomenon of Russian and Belarusian ethnostereotypes, which are revealed in the works of the contemporary Russian-speaking poets of Belarus, are being analyzed. The work also involves the investigation of the components of “one’s own” and “another’s” in the contemporary Belarusian and English poetry, the analysis of the evolution of classical and modern Polish poetry translation into the Belarusian language, revealing the stages in the development of translators’ preferences in the Belarusian-language variants, etc.
About the Author
M. U. MikulichBelarus
Ph. D. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Literature Interrelations
1. Discrepancy. Perspectives of Modern Comparative Studies: Anthology; edited by Tomasz Bilczewski. Cracow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2010, рр. 358.
2. Kabrzhytskaya T. V., Khmialnitsky M. M. The Relevance of the Historical and Comparative Study of the Text. History of Slavonic Literature and the Problems of their Comparative Study: Theory and Practice: Textbook, comp. by P. I. Navoichyk; under the ed. of T. V. Kabrzhytskaya and M. M. Khmialnitsky. Minsk: BSU, 2015, рр. 4–6 (in Belarusian).
3. Nalivaika D. S. Comparative Literature Yesterday and Today; transl. from the Ukrainian by G. Latushka, R. Latushka. History of Slavonic Literature and the Problems of their Comparative Study: Theory and Practice: Textbook, comp. by P. I. Navoichyk; under the ed. of T. V. Kabrzhytskaya and M. M. Khmialnitsky. Minsk: BSU, 2015, рр. 104–127 (in Belarusian).
4. Horev V. A. Poland and Poles in the Russian Writers’ Eyes: Imagological Essays. – Moscow: Indrik, 2005, 231 p. (in Belarusian).