
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Lawyers role in the development of the Belarusian legal terminology (1920s–1930s)


On the well-known jurists’ publications from the 1920s – 1930s their priority role in creating and streamlining Belarusian legal terminology in comparison with philologists’ role was identified. It shows the active participation in the Belarusization of legal science and education, except for the natives of Belarus, and legal specialists invited to work in the BSSR because of the lack of their own personnel. The features of practical implementation of basic principles of creating the dictionary of legal terminology developed by the Scientific and Terminology Commission under the People’s Commissariat of Education of the BSSR are clarified, changes in attitude to these principles during specified time are tracked depending on changes in linguistic ideology in the BSSR.

About the Author

H. I. Kulesh
Belarusian State University

Hanna I. Kulesh – D. Sc. (Philol.), Professor

K. Marksa Str., Minsk 220030


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