Functions principle of the closest connection in the context of civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus
The object of the research is the current trends in flexible regulation in international private law. The subject of research is the individual aspects of the criterion of the closest connection. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the possibility of using a flexible methodology for determining applicable law on the basis of the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The article can be used as a scientific reference point (bridgehead) for a more detailed study of the problems of applying the principle of the closest connection. The author’s study, based on the techniques of formal logic, examines the main aspects of the functioning and application of the principle of the closest connection. The idea is substantiated that for the full application of the principle of the closest connection in the domestic legal system, certain changes are required, as well as a tendentious response of the legislator to the processes occurring in the most advanced legislative systems. Particular attention is paid to the justification of the need to update conflict of laws regulation at the present stage of development of private international law. Examples of presumptions of the closest connection and auxiliary reservations involved in the mechanism for determining the closest connection are given. The study proposed a number of author’s definitions, taking into account the characteristics of the studied legal mechanisms.
About the Author
V. O. PavlovskyBelarus
Vilen O. Pavlovsky – Рostgraduate student
4 Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030 MinskReferences
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