
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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A. F. Kovalev – Belarusian artist, sculptor, designer, teacher


The biography of the Belarusian artist, sculptor, designer, teacher, professor Anatoly Fedorovich Kovalev is considered. A. F. Kovalev was one of the organizers of Belarusian education in the field of fine and decorative arts. He was the author of the first design dissertation in the BSSR, a member of the Union of Artists of theUSSRand Belarusian Union of Artists, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. During his long career he transferred knowledge and a huge professional experience to more than one generation of talented students, including workers of culture and art ofBelarus– V. K. Lebedko, M. Sakhuto, G. F. Shauro, V. I. Prokoptsov. In1965 A. F. Kovalev, being the head of the department of decorative and applied art of the art and graphic department of the Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute named after S. M. Kirov (now Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov), made a lot of efforts to transfer technical work into the artwork channel based on traditional techniques of decorative processing of materials, and also influenced the development of history and design theory at the initial stage of its formation. The contribution of A. F. Kovalev to the sphere of culture and art of theRepublicofBelaruswas marked by many state awards.

The article is addressed to young designers, artists, sculptors, teachers of the humanities and technical disciplines, research scientists who are interested in the history of design.

About the Author

I. V. Gorbunov
Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov

Igor V. Gorbunov – Ph. D. (Art. Crit.), Associate Professor.

33 Moscowski Ave., Vitebsk 210038


1. Anatoliy Kovalev: selected works. Vitebsk, SAMPO Publ., 2006. 200 p. (in Russian).

2. Kovalev A. F. For his native Belarus. Memoirs of a war veteran. Vitebsk, Vitebsk State University, 2013. 134 p. (in Russian).

3. Kavaleu A. F. Sergey Selikhanov: [sculpture: biographical essay]. Minsk, Belarus' Publ., 1978. 48 p. (in Belarusian).

4. Gorbunov I. V. (comp.). History of design: reader. Vitebsk, Vitebsk State University, 2009. 259 p. (in Russian).

5. Kovalev A. F. Fine learning aids in art. Khudozhestvennoe konstruirovanie i trudovoe obuchenie v shkole i pedagogicheskom institute: sbornik nauchnykh rabot [Artistic design and labor training at school and the pedagogical institute: collection scientific works]. Leningrad, 1977, iss. 2, pp. 51–64 (in Russian).

6. Kovalev A. F. Artistic design of vehicles manufactured in Belarus. Abstract Ph.D. diss. Minsk, 1973. 21 p. (in Russian).

7. Surskii D. O. (comp.). Who is who. Design inside and out. Minsk, Belarusian Union Designers, 2008. 296 p. (in Russian).

8. Kavaleu A. F., Syamenau A. І., Khіts'ko І. P. Fundamentals of school decoration. Minsk, Narodnaya asveta Publ., 1974. 48 p. (in Belarusian).

9. Kovalev A. F. Methodology for performing the sketch. Vitebsk, Vitebsk State University, 2010. 70 p. (in Russian).


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)