
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Actual directions of development of local self­government in the Republic of Belarus in the context of the European charter of local self­government


The article analyzes the views of scientists on the development of local self­government, as well as legislation and law enforcement practice in this area. The importance of local self­government for the formation ofBelarusas a democratic state is emphasized. Data on the number of persons elected to local representative bodies, as well as those participa­ ting in the work of territorial public self­government bodies, are given. The position is justified according to which collegial bodies that have a dual nature (Councils of Deputies) function in the system of local self­government bodies. They exercise authority on behalf of the state and at the same time are local governments. It is emphasized that the national legislation of any modern state is influenced by the norms of international documents, foreign experience, the study of which allows us to compare the level of development of public relations and their legal regulation, to identify potential and prospects. In this regard, considerable attention is paid to a comparative analysis of the provisions of Belarusian legislation and the European Charter of Local Self­Government. It is concluded that the European Charter has a significant potential for improving national legislation. Particular attention should be paid to the financial and economic system of local governments. A number of proposals have been made to improve legislation.

About the Author

G. A. Vasilevich
Belarusian State University

Grigoriy  A.  Vasilevich  –  Corresponding  Member,Sc. (Law), Professor, Head of the Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of  Law.  

8 Leningradskaya Str., Minsk 220030


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ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)