
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Industrial and economic competition as an economic form of labor motivation


The article discusses the concept of “competitiveness” in various aspects of the life of society. It was revealed in the course of the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign scientists that the competitiveness was actively used and is used in the economy, in particular, as a tool to stimulate labor in the form of competitions. As economic forms of competition, one can single out: labor competition, economic competition, production competition, socialist competition. The characteristic features and disadvantages of each of the forms are noted. The author of the article, taking into account the peculiarities of each of the economic forms of competition, substantiates the necessity of introducing a new form – industrial and economic competition, gives his own definition of the term “industrial and economic competition”, adapted to the Belarusian economic system. It is noted that holding industrial and economic competitions is an effective mechanism in stimulating the labor of workers and increasing labor productivity in general. The principles of holding production and economic competitions are stated, the mechanism of holding is described. It is concluded that competitiveness, as a specific personality trait, is an effective tool for stimulating labor, and in terms of production activity, it is advisable to introduce and apply a system of industrial and economic competition, which will be maximally adaptive to the production conditions of the modern Belarusian economy and will become a powerful catalyst for increasing labor productivity.

About the Author

M. V. Lebedevich
Institute of Economics of the National Aca demy of Sciences of Belarus

Marina V. Lebedevich – Scientific Researcher

1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072


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