
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Administrative and delict policy of the Republic of Belarus: trends, achievements, increasing the efficiency of realization


This article discusses the main trends, achievements and problems of forming and implementing the administrative and delict policy of the Republic of Belarus as a strategy of governing the state to ensure law and order, combating administrative offenses in various spheres of public relations. The modern tasks of the state predetermine the transformation and new trends in the development of administrative and delict policy of the state. The most striking manifestation of these changes is the reform of the law on administrative offences. The main innovations of the law on administrative offences, provided for as a result of its reform, are presented. In order to improve the efficiency of the formation and implementation of administrative and delicate policies, the need for legal forecasting tools for the consequences of new prohibitions and measures of administrative and legal coercion is justified. A system of indicators has been developed to conduct a full cycle of assessment of the regulatory impact of administrative law. The expansion of the subjects and facilities for assessing the regulatory impact of regulations in the application of administrative and legal coercion measures is justified.


About the Author

V. K. Ladutko
Belarusian State Economic University

Viyaleta K. Ladutko – Ph. D. (Law), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Center for Systemic Analysis

26 Partizanskii Ave., Minsk 220070


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)