Mental warfare and national security
Under the conditions of geopolitical confrontation, the states of the West (led by the United States) seek to systematically weaken Russia, Belarus and the Union State in order to dominate the boundaries of the Eurasian continent and establish a new world order. In order to implement the “Anaconda Loop” strategy, a wide potential of means of coercion is used. The build-up of military force is complemented by economic, informational, ideological and intellectual confrontation. Information, cultural and ideological violence has led to a new form of confrontation – mental warfare. In the system of national security, the leading role belongs to the individual, whose consciousness and worldview are the main targets of mental violence. The existing methodological approaches to understanding the essential content of mental warfare are considered. The author’s interpretation of this type of violence is shown. On the basis of the laws of classical warfare the main laws and principles of mental warfare, as well as the directions of its implementation have been clarified. It is determined that the knowledge of the essence of mental warfare and its technology is no less important for the social system than the improvement of the military sphere of national security. The author concludes that the resolution of the contradiction between modern ways of violence and the system of national security lies in the comprehensive improvement of man, science, education, management, and activity. Understanding the dialectics of mental warfare and national security will allow state and military authorities to clarify the practical component of ideological work aimed at consolidation of efforts to strengthen the Belarusian statehood.
About the Author
V. A. KsenofontovBelarus
Vladislav A. Ksenofontov – Ph. D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Ideological Work and Social Sciences
220 Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk 220057
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