Typological features of religiosity in the conditions of modern polyconfessional society in Belarus
One of the key tasks of modern religious studies is to comprehend the phenomenon of religiosity as a reflection
of religion, which is undergoing noticeable transformations. The dynamics of religion perception, which in modern realities
is shifting to the field not only of religious traditions, requires the search for mechanisms for comprehending religious experience that are relevant to the needs of social subjects. The confessional environment of Belarus is characterized by relative
stability, in which the dynamics of religiosity occurs mainly in the sphere of qualitative transformations. The application
of a multidimensional cross-confessional approach to the study of religiosity provides the possibility of its typology, reflecting
the specifics of these transformations in a multi-confessional society. In this connection, it can be judged that in the religious
field of Belarus, religion performs mainly normative and ideologically orienting functions.
About the Author
A. V. ShkurovaBelarus
Elena V. Shkurova – Ph. D. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Center
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
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