
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Transformations of everyday cognition in modern society


The focus of the study is on analyzing the transformations of everyday cognition in modern society on the basis of the epistemological paradigm by V. S. Stepin. This paradigm is a productive research program that has enabled us to structure everyday cognition and systematize its functions. In the present study the transformations of the object, subject, goals and means of everyday cognition in the modern digital society have been identified. The specific character of the influence of digital technocode on the subject of everyday cognition has been considered. It is concluded that the epistemological paradigm by V. S. Stepin is a fruitful methodological basis for the study of everyday cognition and its transformations in modern society.

About the Author

R. N. Dozhdikova
Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Raisa N. Dozhdikova – Ph. D. (Philos.), Associate Professor

65 Nezavisimosti Avе., Minsk 220013


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