Formation and economic activity of the MTS in BSSR (1930–1939)
As a result of the analysis of the factual material, the author came to the conclusion that, despite the numerical growth of the machine and tractor fleet and the MTS network, over the years it was not possible to train the required number of qualified personnel, to supply repair shops with sophisticated equipment and spare parts. The supplies of trailed tractor implements and complex machines lagged behind the supply of tractors to the MTS, which slowed down the process of mechanization of agricultural production. As a result, by the end of the 1930s. the collective and state farms of the BSSR failed to achieve the planned high indicators of crop yields.
About the Author
A. V. KolosBelarus
Andrey V. Kolos – Рostgraduate student
1 Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk 220072
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