V. I. Belski Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus Belarus
Valery I. Belski – D. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Deputy Head Administration of the President of the Repub- lic of Belarus
38 Karl Marx Str., Minsk 220016
D. V. Primschitz Institute of Еconomics of the National Аcademy of Sciences of Belarus Belarus
Dmitry V. Primschitz – Ph. D. (Econ.), Deputy Direc- tor for Research and Innovation
1 Surganov Str., Bldg 2, Minsk 220072
L. G. Trigubovich Institute of Еconomics of the National Аcademy of Sciences of Belarus Belarus
Larisa G. Trigubovich – Ph. D. (Econ.), Associate Pro- fessor, Scientific secretary
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