No 2 (2015)
9-16 593
In the article the author tries to reveal both essence and economical basis of the noospherical model of social development, first discovered by V. I. Vernadsky. It is showed, that the «noospherical economy» allows reconsidering the industrialism and post-industrialism, which cultivate the material wants and their satisfaction, provided by mass production of corresponding goods. Noospherism connects intellect (science), moral motivations and industry. Thereby not industrial benefit or profitability, but the man, his potential and morality comes out on top. The noospherical model is based at mind principles, scientific achievements of nations, freedom of science, equal relations between races and peoples. So it has the strong humanistic potential and perspectives of realization in the XXI century.
17-22 560
Presented article describes the structure of Weltanschauung of the intelligentsia in Belarus and Russia during the period from second part of nineteenth to the middle of twentieth century. It has been shown there that genesis of the «intelligentsias being» was always based on the antagonism between creative subject and his surrounding social reality. This antagonism would be realized in the transformation of social and organization structures of society. Intellectual's cognition tries to overcome these structures. Regardless of their political views and philosophical positions a number of thinkers intends to complete with society by their importance. A genius tries to show his equitable and self-dependence. In contrast to religion the intellectual creates his ideal by himself to come to believe in it finally.
23-29 1601
Presented investigations have been made in the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Many researches from Plato and Aristotle, T. Hobbes and J. Locke, I. Kant and H. Hegel, K. Marx and F. Engels, T. Paine and E. Gellner have been directed to the looking for the meaning of civil society. These thinkers have designated as basic meaning-factors such concepts as the freedom of the individual, its development and participation in public affairs, democracy and private property, the legal equality of all citizens, their self-determination and self-organization. On basis of these meanings the numerous theories of civil society have been created. Then they have been realized in different outcomes.
30-37 766
Article touches upon the problem of patriotic education in modern conditions of life. Also it defines the major quality features of patriotism. Main aspects and methods of patriotic education have been analyzed on examples of Belarusian border service traditions and ceremonials. Additionally functions, principles and objectives of the patriotic education have been specified in the article, too.
38-44 575
Article describes information provision of overcoming the Chernobyl disaster consequences as activities of particular importance for the successful implementation of government objectives concerning rehabilitation and sustainable social and economic development of the affected areas. Also it has been shown the importance of established in 2007 «Belarusian Branch of the Russian-Belarusian Information Center on the Consequences of the Catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP» in improvements of such work efficiency in a systematic manner.
45-53 639
This article is the first investigation presented in the Belarusian historical literature devoted to the participation of Belarusians in the Opposition movement in Hitler's concentration camps. Anti-fascist struggle has been carried out not only by Red Army prisoners of war, but also by those people who were forcibly removed from their country for penal servitudes in the fascist Germany.
54-63 735
Article deals with the problem of Jewish youth organizations in the Soviet Belarus. During the 1920th the development of Jewish youth organizations took place on two fronts: the Communist and Zionist. Jewish Communist Youth League until 1923 was a real competitor with Komsomol among Jewish boys and girls. Zionist youth organization in the Soviet Belarus has been divided into three groups: the right, educational, cultural, and left. Zionist youth organization and other smaller groups have been related to the right groups. Gashomer-Gatsair, Getover, Hehalutz, Makkabi have been related to educational and cultural ones. The Jewish Socialist Working Youth Union «Jugend Poalei Zion», Zionist-Socialist Union of Youth and Tseirey Zion have been related to the left group. In the first half of 1920th the largest Jewish youth organization was Hehalutz, but in the second half it was the Zionist-Socialist Union of Youth. Soviet authorities used various methods of dealing with the Zionists (from advocacy to repressive). However, the Young Communist League of the Soviet Belarus was able to deploy an effective struggle against Zionism only in the late 1920th. Due to the stronger response to the Soviet authorities and to improve the economic situation Jewish boys and girls began to fall under the influence of youth Zionist organizations since the end of 1926. Then the collapse of their local structures has begun. Zionist groups organized by youth have been eliminated to the end of 1929.
64-71 915
Processes of the Soviet national policy formation during the World War I have been researched by the author. Special attention has been paid to activities of Soviet national organizations concerned to the national and cultural development of Belarusians. The status of Jews, Poles, and Lithuanians on the Belarusian territory during the period from November, 1917 to November, 1918 has been analyzed.
72-77 877
This article is devoted to theoretical and methodological problems of making a dictionary of the living Belarusian language in the 20th years of twentieth century in comparison with the most important Russian, Polish, Czech, Serbian and Ukrainian dictionaries. The special attention has been paid to works of Belarusian linguists which rethinking and reworking experience of other Slavic counterparts offered their own lexicographical installation of the methodological support of works as well as implemented them. Publications of regulations and programs, preparation of regional dictionaries, field collection of dictionary materials by forces of the literate part of population of the Republic have been elucidated, too. Also theoretical foundations of the dictionary based on the Belarusian living language encompassed territorial boundaries of ethnographic Belarus have been shown. They are chronologically limited to the second half of nineteenth century and the first quarter of the twentieth century. The goal of the dictionary was to show the lexical richness of the Belarusian language, stylistically processed vernacular, introducing a significant part of specialized vocabulary. Thereby it proves the uniqueness of the Belarusian language and extracts tokens from artistic, journalistic and professional literature. This extraction had a critical nature. So the usage labels have been not introduced into the entries in contrast to the mandatory examples from literature and compulsory linguistic passports. At the same time the criteria for inclusion into the dictionary of loan words, neologisms and special vocabulary were rather vague.
78-83 658
The most notable obstacle to the evolution of artificial intelligence is not as much the lack of technical equipment of computers as many of their «inability» to take into account the context and cultural features of human communications. Computer-mediated communications create a new environment of the discourse, peculiar both technically and humanitarian, in particular, linguistic aspects. Issues of structuring and systematization of the content and form of the «big data» that are stored in the virtual dimension require adaptation of major achievements from the humanitarian sphere to new communication circumstances. The obvious and requested resource in this context is the knowledge on the correlation of language components and culture qualities. An artificial intelligence is now unable autonomous from person to pose and solve problems. So its presence in the field of communications is due to already established by laws of the cultural environment. Thus, computer-mediated communications would be carried out according to the rules of human culture, the essence of which is the language.
84-89 617
Article deals with the iconography of forgotten and lost wonder-working icons, copies of which existed in the Uniat churches in Belarus in the XVIII - early XIX centuries. It has been evidenced by archival sources. We are talking now about such forms of them as «The Virgin of Ushachi», «The Virgin of Kublichi», «The Virgin of Fashchevka», «The Virgin of Borisov» and «The Virgin of Vanuzhichi».
90-94 803
This article identifies the key stages and trends in the development of musical television of the Republic of Belarus. There are systematically studied the structure and contents of contemporary musical broadcasting, software packages of the central and regional, state and commercial TV channels. It has been concluded that recreational functions, entertainment programs for the mass-media culture, «conveyor» ways to create television programs prevail on the contemporary musical television.
95-99 661
Article describes the problems of perception, understanding and interpretation of works of art with symbolic orientation. The importance has been given to abilities to distinguish between «artistic image» and «symbol». Inexhaustible possibilities of associative character present the main results of in-depth study of the theory of mimesis.
100-104 585
Article is devoted to the reception of the November rebellion in 1830-1831 years on the territory of Lithuania and Poland in works created by such Polish writer, memoirists and teacher of the XIX century as Anna Nakwaska. Researches have been made on example of the little-known novel «Lithuanian insurgent» («Powstaniec litewski»).
105-110 780
Based on analysis of the existing approaches to understanding the «terms» in the theory of law, civil law and labor, the author proposes the definition reflected characteristic features of this branch of law. Classification of terms has been justified by their relationship to legal norms and legal relations on material and immaterial, which allow to give full consideration to all the institutions of labor law including the order to solve problems of the calculation of terms.
4-8 647
Most important fundamental problems of the economy functioning on the contemporary stage have been exposed and ways to their decision have been proposed in the article. Necessary structure transformations in the economy of the Republic of Belarus have been considered, too. The clear definition of main priorities in the national economical transformation and its integration into the world economical system as well as implementation of the step-by-step innovation development of commodities and services production in aims to provide long-term high-level competitiveness of the country are the most important tasks now. Significance of the Belarusian science role in the innovative economy creation and system measures on the economical politics correction have been emphasized in the article along with their role in improvements of the Union State and Eurasian Economicl Union legislation.
ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)