The author of the article considers and analyzes the main directions, problems and prospects of modern domestic philosophical studies of consciousness. A number of questions related to attempts to establish the main characteristics of the phenomenon of consciousness, to determine the key concepts and categories are raised. It is described to identify the structure of modern philosophical discourse. The main lines of development of interdisciplinary research of consciousness within the framework of such rapidly developing fields of knowledge as cognitive sciences, neurobiology, synergetic, etc. have been demonstrated. The paper establishes a general range of problems and issues related to the need for meaningful specification of concepts, substantiation of the arguments used in the study of this phenomenon. Poorly developed thematic blocks related to the issues of the origin of consciousness and its localization, the definition of its structural and content elements, the establishment of the mechanisms of its functioning, the practical implementation of the acquired knowledge are identified, which indicates the need for further attempts to study this object within the framework of philosophical discourse.
The article discusses the results of sociological monitoring of public opinion on the use of nuclear energy in Belarus. The main part presents an analysis of the data obtained from the results of a sociological study conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 2022 on the assignment “Conduct sociological monitoring of public opinion of the population of the Republic of Belarus in order to form a positive attitude towards nuclear energy” of event 8 “Information and analytical support for the development of nuclear Energy in the Republic of Belarus” of subprogram 3 “Scientific support for the efficient and safe operation of the Belarusian nuclear power plant and promising areas for the development of nuclear energy” of the State Program “Science-intensive technologies and equipment” for 2021– 2025. The time intervals within which important events had a direct or indirect impact on public opinion about nuclear energy are characterized. A sociological method of calculation has been developed that makes it possible to trace the vector of public opinion’s response to nuclear energy (increase or decrease in the level of loyalty) to various internal or external factors. An assessment of the elasticity of public opinion about nuclear power is carried out with the construction of a typology of this elasticity. Also, self-assessments of the respondents’ formation and stability of their position regarding the implementation of the project “Belarusian NPP” were revealed. The need for systematic information and explanatory work among the population on all the main aspects of the practical use of nuclear energy is shown.
The author relies on the thesis that the main factor in the development of Western European diplomacy in the early Modern period was the emergence and formation of the resident diplomacy. The article proposes a periodization of the development of diplomacy, based on an understanding of the development of Western European diplomacy in the 15th –16th centuries in the context of the transformation of the medieval socio-political model.
Under the conditions of permanent internal and external political pressure, the medieval hierarchical model of the socio-political structure did not fulfill the function of legitimizing the new regimes on the Apennine peninsula. The peace of Lodi in 1454 consolidated the heterarchical or polycentric model of the socio-political structure, which assumed mutual recognition of the subjects of interstate relations as a source of legitimacy.
In the second half of the 15th century this model, based on a network of stable diplomatic relations, was adopted by most of the major Italian states. Italian wars of 1494–1559 influenced the spread of the new style of diplomacy with its resident envoys to the leading states of Western Europe.
Despite the crisis of the second half of the 16th century the model of a resident diplomatic representation has become the basic one in the European diplomacy of Modern age.
In the article the author considers some problems of modern Belarusian onomastic terminology related to the ordering of meanings and unification of onomastic terminology. It is proposed to clarify the definitions of individual terms in accordance with the current state of onomastics. Cases of unjustified congestion of the terminological system with highly specialized terms are analyzed.
The article examines the Gagauz of Belarus – one of the small and dispersed regional groups of this ethnic group. For the first time, both in Belarusian ethnology and in Gagauz studies, the Gagauz of Belarus became the object of scientific research. The periods of formation of this ethnic group in Belarus are noted: Soviet and post-Soviet. The author analyzes the forms of identification used by the Gagauz of Belarus and the degree of their adaptation in the Belarusian sociocultural space. This article is based on field research data collected personally by the author in 2020–2022.
From the data obtained during the survey, it follows that the Gagauz people feel comfortable in Belarus: the advantages of the Soviet era and socio-economic stability have been preserved here, there is no national question, the Russian language is one of the state languages, stable wages, housing, there is a future for children, etc. It is noted that the historically established tradition of intercultural dialogue and peaceful coexistence of various confessions among the population of Belarus, as well as the national policy pursued by the state, contribute to the formation of the significance of civic identity.
The article analyzes the stories “The Mermaid” by the Belarusian writer Ales’ Kazhadub and “The Siren” by the Italian writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa for the purpose of revealing in them the character of the archetypal basis, distinctive genre-thematic and artistic-visual features. A comprehensive approach to the analysis of the literary works was provided by such methods as mythopoetic, hermeneutic, cultural-historical and comparative. The writers embodied the archetype of the Great Mother in the images of chthonic creatures (a siren and a mermaid). A consistent analysis of the images and plots of the stories made it possible to define a circle of universal images that made up the “archetypal core” of the given works (the Hero/the Child/the Warrior, the Shadow, the Leader/the Wise, the Lover (or one who is capable of love), the Journey, etc.), and also to clarify the features of their genres, to trace the influence of artistic methods on the character of the characters and certain development of the plot lines.
The article analyzes the activities of representative and executive power bodies to ensure constitutional legality in the state. It is emphasized that in this direction can not rely only on the Constitutional Court, as other subjects of power, including bodies of general competence, have the corresponding duties. A number of proposals were made to improve the legislation and practice. Special attention is focused on the built up system of bodies of representative power, at the top of which now is the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly. The key idea of the modern constitutional course is to strengthen the rule of the people, to expand the representation of the people in the bodies of state administration.
The article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of the organization of labor of Belarusian workers, which has already undergone changes in the context of digital transformation and innovative development of the economy, and requires some improvement in the Republic of Belarus. The organization of labor is presented from the standpoint of the methodology of labor economics and methods of sociological analysis. New methodological approaches to monitoring the organization of labor based on sociological methods and economic and mathematical tools are presented. The factors influencing the state of labor organization and working conditions in the workplace are discussed. Analysis and assessments were obtained using an expert database of opinions of Belarusian workers. The results of the assessments showed that there are a number of national peculiarities in the organization of labor, which are associated with the reasons for changing jobs, with working conditions and wages at the workplace, with the availability of additional income for workers, with the level of job satisfaction. It is proved that: in Belarusian organizations, the authority of the leader is high, and he determines the desire of employees to perform an additional amount of workload; work with better working conditions and a smaller workload is a significant priority when choosing the trajectories of the labor movement of workers in Belarusian organizations.
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)