Under the conditions of geopolitical confrontation, the states of the West (led by the United States) seek to systematically weaken Russia, Belarus and the Union State in order to dominate the boundaries of the Eurasian continent and establish a new world order. In order to implement the “Anaconda Loop” strategy, a wide potential of means of coercion is used. The build-up of military force is complemented by economic, informational, ideological and intellectual confrontation. Information, cultural and ideological violence has led to a new form of confrontation – mental warfare. In the system of national security, the leading role belongs to the individual, whose consciousness and worldview are the main targets of mental violence. The existing methodological approaches to understanding the essential content of mental warfare are considered. The author’s interpretation of this type of violence is shown. On the basis of the laws of classical warfare the main laws and principles of mental warfare, as well as the directions of its implementation have been clarified. It is determined that the knowledge of the essence of mental warfare and its technology is no less important for the social system than the improvement of the military sphere of national security. The author concludes that the resolution of the contradiction between modern ways of violence and the system of national security lies in the comprehensive improvement of man, science, education, management, and activity. Understanding the dialectics of mental warfare and national security will allow state and military authorities to clarify the practical component of ideological work aimed at consolidation of efforts to strengthen the Belarusian statehood.
One of the key tasks of modern religious studies is to comprehend the phenomenon of religiosity as a reflection
of religion, which is undergoing noticeable transformations. The dynamics of religion perception, which in modern realities
is shifting to the field not only of religious traditions, requires the search for mechanisms for comprehending religious experience that are relevant to the needs of social subjects. The confessional environment of Belarus is characterized by relative
stability, in which the dynamics of religiosity occurs mainly in the sphere of qualitative transformations. The application
of a multidimensional cross-confessional approach to the study of religiosity provides the possibility of its typology, reflecting
the specifics of these transformations in a multi-confessional society. In this connection, it can be judged that in the religious
field of Belarus, religion performs mainly normative and ideologically orienting functions.
The complex and contradictory process of the genesis, formation and development of the Belarusian ethnos is considered. The perspective of considering the concept of “people” not only as a historical and ethnographic community, but also as a historical and political category is shown: a historically changeable community of people, which in the process of development of society objectively participates in material production, the development of culture, and political activity. A consistent analysis of the most important historical stages in the formation of the Belarusian ethnos made it possible to identify the place of the Belarusian people in the complex ethnopolitical events of the past and in the geopolitical challenges of our time. Scientific understanding of the process of formation of the Belarusian people, its role and place in the creation of national statehood has shown the decisive role and driving force of the Belarusian people.
The article is devoted to the actual problem of the functioning of occasionalisms in the fiction. Various approaches to the interpretation and classification of occasionalisms, to the assessment of their functional diversity and causes of occurrence are considered. The specificity of individual authorial neoplasms in the works of A. Andreev, V. Kazakevich, E. Popova, E. Skobelev – Belarusian authors writing in Russian – is determined. The studied prose revealed occasional anthroponomics substances-composites, phonetically altered “speaking” surnames and nicknames, onymic and appellative contaminants. Occasionalisms formed with a violation of the internal valence of the word perform expressive, evaluative, pragmatic functions, being a means of figurative characterization of characters, one of the ways of expressing new, non-trivial meanings.
The formation and development of the heroic epic “Geser” originates in ancient Tibetan myths and legends, poems and proverbs, in folk literature. It has been performed by many artists over the centuries. “Geser” is a heroic epic, which is a special kind of song-narrative art, formed on the basis of the integration of musical narration, chanting and song performance. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the musical performance of the heroic epic “Geser” in China in a historical retrospective. The content of the article defines the geographical and socio-cultural characteristics of the Yushu-Tibet Autonomous Region, characterizes the artistic form of the Geser epic, identifies and analyzes the main vocal features of the performance of the parts of the main characters of the Geser epic, reveals the specifics of the continuity of the musical performance of the Geser epic in the work of Dava Zaba. Theoretical research methods were used in preparing the article: analysis of scientific sources on the research problem, generalization and systematization of them. The musical performance of the Tibetan epic “Geser” in the modern context, its creative transformation and reconstruction contribute to the popularization of the cultural heritage of the people and its preservation.
The creative path of Maxim Tank as well as the ideological and artistic specificity and system-modular foundations of his poetry are analyzed in the article. The author notes the appeal of the early M. Tank to the principles of the original folk worldview, the so-called participatory thinking, the folklore-demonological experience of the individual, peasant pedagogy with its subtle and hard agricultural calendar, emphasizes the philosophical and analytical nature, humanistic content and socio-patriotic pathos of his mature work period.
The article reveals the dominant characteristics of the national genetic code of M. Tank’s creativity, comprehends the problem of poetization of the great attraction of the primordial earthly foundations of human existence, unflagging ties with the Motherland, its spiritual and material traditions and values. The author emphasizes the socio-moral content and spiritual and philosophical integrity of the poet’s lyrical hero, who deeply revealed a sense of national and human dignity and was characterized by inner nobility and spiritual and human beauty.
Based on general scientific, concrete historical and comparative legal methods, the author analyzes the genesis of atypical forms of employment (starting from the work of tenants, labor contracts with artels, hiring with the help of intermediaries and organizational recruitment in the USSR, ending with modern forms such as remote work). The article systematically analyzes atypical forms of employment under the Soviet labor legislation (RSFSR, BSSR, USSR) and labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus. In particular, the comparison of the Labor Codes of the RSFSR of 1918, 1922, the Labor Code of the BSSR of 1929, the Labor Code of the BSSR of 1972, the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus regarding the regulation of types of labor contracts and atypical forms of employment is carried out. Continuity in the regulation of home work, employment contracts with temporary and seasonal workers in modern and former Soviet legislation, as well as elements of borrowing new forms of atypical employment from foreign labor legislation are revealed. Attention is drawn to the absence in the Republic of Belarus of legal regulation of some modern forms of atypical employment such as temporary agency work, on-call work (including zero-hour contracts) and platform employment.
The article is devoted to the development of the theoretical foundations of PPP in the context of economic integration, as well as the implementation of joint projects in the social sphere as one of the areas of integration. The relevance of the study is due to the internationalization of PPP, the emergence of new forms of partnership, the need to deepen integration processes, including in the social sphere. As a result of the study, the concept of PPP has been clarified in relation to the conditions of regional integration; the features of the use of PPP as a tool for social integration in a regional association are determined; the author’s classification of PPP projects has been developed in relation to integration ties, including in the social sphere.
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)