The focus of the study is on analyzing the transformations of everyday cognition in modern society on the basis of the epistemological paradigm by V. S. Stepin. This paradigm is a productive research program that has enabled us to structure everyday cognition and systematize its functions. In the present study the transformations of the object, subject, goals and means of everyday cognition in the modern digital society have been identified. The specific character of the influence of digital technocode on the subject of everyday cognition has been considered. It is concluded that the epistemological paradigm by V. S. Stepin is a fruitful methodological basis for the study of everyday cognition and its transformations in modern society.
As a result of the analysis of the factual material, the author came to the conclusion that, despite the numerical growth of the machine and tractor fleet and the MTS network, over the years it was not possible to train the required number of qualified personnel, to supply repair shops with sophisticated equipment and spare parts. The supplies of trailed tractor implements and complex machines lagged behind the supply of tractors to the MTS, which slowed down the process of mechanization of agricultural production. As a result, by the end of the 1930s. the collective and state farms of the BSSR failed to achieve the planned high indicators of crop yields.
The article discusses the basic principles of the nomination of the streets of the cities of Grodno and Termez, due to a number of sociolinguistic, linguocultural, historical-cultural, political-ideological and socio-economic factors. On the basis of a quantitative percentage ratio, productive and unproductive types and subtypes of godonyms of each of the cities are determined, common features and national peculiarities in the system of Grodno and Termez godonymy are revealed.
The article analyzes the traditions of patriarchal care of peasants in a noble estate on Belarusian lands in the prereform period. Patriarchal care is interpreted as a social mechanism that allows maintaining a minimum acceptable level of material security for peasants in conditions of increasing serf exploitation. The term “exploitation” is defined as the process of appropriation by landlords of the results of the labor of the serf peasantry. It is indicated that the mechanism of patriarchal guardianship functioned with significant limitations and was unable to stop the further degradation of labor resources and the economy of serfs.
It is noted that the system of landlord farming, formed during the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and preserved in its main features on the lands of the “western provinces” of the Russian Empire, was in the process of transformation during the period under study. The local noble estate, under the influence of all-Russian socio-economic and political factors, acquired new characteristics, and at the same time retained its economic and cultural specifics, for example, a low degree of solidarity in inter-verbal communications, which affected the intensity of exploitation of serfs and the nature of care for them.
The article emphasizes the relevance of considering cultural codes in a number of modern humanitarian disciplines, characterizes the main approaches to the definition of the term “cultural code”. First, at the language level. Secondly, an approach that is based on the semiotic concept of culture, when the concept of a cultural code borders on the concepts of an archetype, symbol, sign. Thirdly, the concept of “cultural code” is considered together with such concepts as “national worldview”, “peculiarities of the national worldview” and “national-analytical idea”.
The study considers the classifications of cultural codes by V. Krasnykh, G. Bagautdinova, M. Kovshova, T. Leontieva, N. Stepanova, S. Sanko, V. Maslova, M. Pimenova and others. In the studies, there are from four to several dozen types of cultural codes: anthropomorphic, astranomic, biomorphic, spiritual, zoomorphic, calendar-chronological, quantitative, landscape, food, object, spatial, vegetative, somatic, temporal, physical-geographical, phytomorphic, floristic and etc. In general, cultural codes as carriers of culturally marked information make it possible to identify the features of the system of views and values of a certain group of society. The use of cultural codes by writers is aimed at conveying their thoughts to the recipient most clearly and, conversely, ignorance of cultural codes hinders the interpretation of a work of art.
The article discusses approaches to determining the legal status, the possible legal capacity of electronic persons (robots) in civil law. Approaches on the possibility of applying the rules on animals or the legal status of a legal entity are analyzed. The author grounds that the material nature and the legal status of a computer program reflecting it are incompatible with the recognition of its autonomy of will and property independence. It is concluded that it is currently impossible to admit the legal personality of robots or electronic persons.
The article defines the essence and content of the general industrial development strategy of the member states of the integration association as a form of coordination of their industrial policies, identifies the subjects and objects of the formation of a general industrial development strategy, and formulates its purpose. The prerequisites for the formation of a general industrial development strategy reflecting the objective processes taking place in the world economy are identified, on the basis of which stable dependencies (patterns) characterizing the need for the formation of a general industrial development strategy of the EAEU are determined. It is established that the factors of formation of the general strategy of industrial development of the EAEU member states include factors determining the form of interstate interaction on the coordination of mechanisms for the implementation of industrial policy, and factors determining the content (directions) of the industrial development process.
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)