
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Vol 69, No 1 (2024)
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7-17 204

The article shows the history of the development of Belarusian humanitarian science from ancient times to the present day. Particular attention is paid to the achievements of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences and Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus at the beginning of the 21st century. 


18-24 291

The human problem, which originally belongs to the number of fundamental problems of philosophy and culture, does not lose its significance today, but also acquires a special acuteness and, accordingly, relevance.

The phenomenon of dehumanization, the concept of alienation, globalization and globalization processes are considered from the standpoint of historical determinism, when solving the tasks set, they turned to the ideas of K. Marks, E. Fromm, D. Lukach, T. Adulo, etc.

 When writing the article, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison were used. Globalization processes, which are a distinctive feature of all states and societies, combine an infinite number of aspects of social life that vary in scope – from local to planetary, while having different dynamics and orientation. Globalization and globalization processes are not the end or the stop of social processes. Dehumanization presupposes the degradation of morality. The research is based on conceptual provisions, ideas, results of the problem of dehumanization and the problem of alienation in the context of globalization, the publications of Russian and foreign authors on the stated topic are analyzed. The object of study is the problem of “dehumanization of man” and the topic of alienation in modern globalizing conditions.

As a result of the analysis, certain vectors of the spiritual development of modern society are outlined in the conditions of a systemic crisis of value orientations and lack of spirituality, inhumanity. The article presents the outlines of new ethical programs that are designed to counteract the process of modern man’s loss of a genuine humane essence and his purpose in society.


25-35 248

On the basis of documentary sources and specialized literature, a historical and comparative study of the transformation of education in the transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages in Europe was carried out. The essential content of the term “education” is analyzed as a kind of “picture of the world” of a certain person with his own understanding and perception of the environment.

The political, ideological and cultural conditions that determined the specifics of the educational process, which influenced the nature of the education of the population, are traced. The destruction of the ancient Roman state and the achievement by Christianity of the status of the main religious ideology in Europe are named as the main (defining) prerequisites. It is shown that during the existence of the Roman Empire, an educated person was considered to have special knowledge, skills and abilities to replace (if necessary) one of the positions in the governing apparatus of the slave state. And in the education of a medieval person (especially at the initial stage), scientific and rational components were completely absent. Its level was directly connected with the religious and ideological worldview of the individual. The inviolability of faith in Christ (as the Son of God and the Savior of mankind) and knowledge of the essence of the most important Christian worldview values. As a result of the study, the author came to the conclusion that the most important indicators of influence that determined the specifics of a person’s education in the period of antiquity and the Middle Ages were the “content richness” of upbringing and education, the “form of organization” of the educational process, and, of course, the direction (“purpose”) social training of the younger generation during the transition to adulthood.


36-44 203

The article considers the artistic and informative approaches to the creation of the scientific film “Old Belarusian Folk Theatre”. The film was produced in Belevichi village of Slutsk district in April 1962 on the initiative of a group of scientists from the Institute of Art Studies, Ethnography and Folklore of BSSR Academy of Sciences and the Belarusian State Theatre and Art Institute V. I. Nefed, K. N. Sannikov, G. I. Baryshev and S. M. Misko. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the circumstances of making, scientific and creative motivation of the film’s authors, as well as to the issues of further use, scientific representation of this science-intensive film-documentary.

The article actualizes the problem of using tools of newsreel fixation for science, particularly for preservation, research and popularization of Belarusian traditional culture, when a documentary camera-observer is able to connect the view of a scientist and qualified researcher with the view of a spectator. 

45-52 237

In the context of modern processes of globalization, the problem of preserving architectural heritage as part of national culture is actualized. At the same time, the need for the final development of historical centers, bringing them to the modern requirements of comfort, accompanied by interference in the historical context, pose the task of developing principles and approaches to combining the “old” and “new”, taking into account the categories of “integrity”, “value”, “authenticity”, “spirit places” (genius loci) of the historical environment of the city and contributing to the continuity of urban development.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the current principles and approaches to architectural activity in the current urban environment, as well as to identify the prerequisites for their formation.

Based on the methods of historical research of the evolution of theoretical foundations in the field of preservation and development of historical centers of cities, the development of architectural trends of the XX century and architectural and artistic analysis of modern world design practice, the following prerequisites for the formation of modern approaches to the connection of the “old” and ”new” historical environment are identified: the development of theory and practice in the field of preservation of architectural heritage (approval of the categories “monument”, “authenticity”, “value”, “spirit of the place”, “layers of time”, etc.); the development of modernist architecture (the concept of the correspondence of architecture to its time); the development of postmodern architecture (the emergence of a modern approach, appeal to the styles of the past, “stylization”); the development of digital design technologies at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries (new possibilities of shaping, de-constructivism, nonlinear parametric architecture). The following principles of formation of approaches of modern project activity in the historical urban environment are highlighted: subordination to context (environmental approach, “stylization”); subordination of “old” and “new” (conceptual approach or equality of “old” and “new”); independence (contrast of “old” and “new”). 


53-59 208

Basing on the material of works of Belarusian literature of the 17th century (М.-К. Radzivill, J. Kamienski-Dlužyk, К. Zawiša and others), the article analyzes the features of the author’s perception of nature as an object of artistic representation. The appearance of paysage and landscape sketches in the works of this period is considered as evidence of the development of the inductive method of perception of reality, as well as writers’ awareness of the beauty of nature and their own creative subjectivity. 


60-73 344

Еmphasizes the increasing role of the constitutional economy in regulating economic relations and ensuring the economic security of the state in the face of new challenges and threats. It is stated that the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus in its decisions consistently focuses on the formation of a constitutional economy as the most important component of the social rule of law and the constitutional value that determines the economic development strategy. At the same time, the lack of development of this issue by Belarusian science, the lack of comprehensive research in the field of constitutional economics as an interdisciplinary scientific and legal and practical direction at the intersection of law and economics is noted. In this regard, the goal was set to justify the need and give theoretical and applied prospects for the scientific support of the formation and development of the constitutional economy in Belarus. Based on the use of dialectical, general scientific and private scientific methods, including the comparative legal method, the author considers the genesis and differences of the Western and Russian schools of constitutional economics, considers its essential characteristics, analyzes the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus and the opinion of scientists on its subject and content, delineates this direction with “economic analysis of law”. According to the results of the study, the refined concept of constitutional economy as a scientific and practical direction was formulated, the main components of its concept were disclosed, among which the opposition to monopolistic activities and the development of competition were highlighted. It was proposed in the draft updated Concept of National Security to classify the formation and development of a constitutional economy as one of the main directions for neutralizing internal sources of threats in the economic sphere. The conclusion is argued about the high level of demand for scientific and applied research in the field of constitutional economics. The problem field of such studies was outlined, a set of tasks and an approximate list of program issues were developed, for the solution of which it is proposed to create a scientific school of constitutional economics in Belarus and a number of measures are given to establish it. 


74-86 249

The article is devoted to the problem of pairing the Chinese Green Belt and Road Initiative with the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union with the participation of Belarus as a member country of the regional association. In theoretical terms, the expediency of studying this problem within the framework of a new scientific direction – the greening of international economic relations (IER), which is formed on an interdisciplinary basis at the intersection of theories of international economic relations, environmental concepts and international environmental law, is shown.

The author’s approach to the development of this scientific direction is substantiated, according to which the need to give ecological content to all structural elements of international economic relations (subject, object, interests, management tools) is determined, which should receive appropriate economic forms of expression.

In practical terms, the main directions of the Chinese Green Belt and Road Initiative were considered, including the promotion of the construction of green and low-carbon infrastructure; building green supply chain management systems; participation of environmental public organizations; ensuring sustainable production and consumption, including the development of “green” trade, etc. The key positions for the implementation of the environmental agenda in the EAEU are identified as a condition for the implementation of the green belt and the way in the format of a regional association.

The priority measures of the interface mechanism are proposed, which include: development of a joint action plan; creation of an environmental group of representatives of interested countries; organization of a network of contact points for the provision of environmental services; formation on a digital basis of an environmental monitoring system along the Belt and Road route, etc.

The conclusion about the formation of an eco-industrial park on the basis of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park “Great Stone” as the main Belarusian link in the mechanism of conjugation of the EAEU and the PRC in the field of landscaping the Belt and Road is substantiated. The necessary completed components of the eco-industrial park model recommended for implementation are determined. 


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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)