No 1 (2016)
4-13 769
Genome technologies rapid development increases the role of ethical criteria and assessments relating to such important issues as regulation of scientific researches in the field of genomics, as well as the ethical dilemmas that arise because of the genomes program testing and therapy realization. We also discuss problems of the respect and individual’s autonomy protection as well as their full information and informed consent before to participate in procedures for testing and treatment of the genome or to be an object of scientific researches.Because of the human tissues, cells biobanks, and individual DNA databases creation, third parties could be add to the dialogue doctor-patient. Development of information technology makes it possible to access, copy and store large quantities of information in the internet clouds of data, including personal data as well as individual medical and genetic profiles. These new opportunities require their comprehension and analysis in the postulates of bioethics in order to improve the legal regulation of relations between genomic companies and their customers.
14-19 944
Problem of hell is a philosophical problem related to theological doctrine of eternal punishment. It is a variation of the problem of Evil. With a few exceptions, the traditional concept of hell has prevailed in Christian thought since the time of early Christianity and until the XIX century. In general, this doctrine of afterlife teaches that after death the souls of sinners fall into hell, where they punished by eternal fire. The article presents some objections to the traditional model of hell and considers a number of alternative theories. The particular attention has been paid to The Second Chance Theory and its varieties (escapism). Author of the article shows that such escapists as A. Buckareff, A. Plug and others understood the hell as an autonomous place or state, which God creates for those who do not want to communicate with him. Accordingly, the inhabitants of hell may at any time change their status and join the community of the saved. The author analyzes how this theory related to the concept of metaphysical libertarian free will, which admitted by the supporters of free will theodicy (R. Swinburne, E. Stump). The author concludes that current religious and philosophical reflection developing in the discourse of humanist culture tend to rational criticism, which rejects the traditional model of hell for reasons of moral, psychological, logical and philosophical nature. This creates a need for new theories, designed to amend or reinterpret the traditional concept of hell.
20-24 540
It is well founded that index of the labor market functioning efficiency is a standard of life of the employed population. On the base of sociological monitoring data researchers of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Sociology, have analyzed regional specifics of living standards of the people. They analyzed such indicators as pecuniary state of Belarusian families, structure of expenses, and availability of material benefits and services for urban and rural inhabitants.
25-28 582
In the article, topicality and science issues of the subject have allocated. Definitions of such concept as «enforcement» are considered. The author’s definition of the concept «enforcement» has been resulted. Main forms of the enforcement realization in the labor relationship sphere are considered, too. Author revealed based on results of sociological researches the most preferable way of defense for employee’s labor rights (enforcement, dismissal and conformism). Also based on sociological research results the most preferable form of the enforcement realization in the sphere of labor relationship has been revealed.
29-39 628
Author of the article investigated the problem of youth participation in agriculture of Belarus in the Soviet period of the New Economic Policy. Younger generation was actively involved in the conduct of its undertakings. Komsomol acted as a main organizer of this work. In connection with the stratification of peasantry and demographic changes both boys and girls becoming more actively involved in the economic activities in rural areas. Steadily grew the number of young farmhands. The number of young farm workers gradually increased, too. Every year forms of participation in the economic life of the Komsomol village became more and more diverse. Since 1923, the rural Кomsomоl cells began the creation of agricultural circles, in which were involved thousands of boys and girls. In 1924-1925 years, regular mobilization of Komsomol got to work in the countryside. Both rural Komsomol and peasant youth interest to improve their financial situation by getting practical knowledge, necessary in the economy of knowledge, started to grow. However, economic activities of the Young Communist League in countryside conducted unplanned. It was not always adapted to the economic conditions of the regions. Best practices of Komsomol cells and individuals have been collected and disseminated poorly. In general, the organization of youth participation in agricultural production in the Byelorussian SSR remained far from ideal yet.
40-50 695
Discussion devoted to the role and importance of F. Е. Sienchykovski’s work for the Roman Catholic Church in the Russian Empire during the second half of XIX - beginning of XX centuries has been presented in the article through comparison and analysis of previously unknown facts, which took place in the life of the Roman Catholic priests. On the basis of statistical information, historical evidence of the exercise of his ministry in Minsk province, stay in Grodno province, serving in the Turkestan of the Russian Empire, it is concluded duality evaluation of the role of F. Е. Sienchykovsk’si personality in the Roman Catholic Church history in frames of the Russian Empire specified period.
51-59 842
This article deals with generalization and analysis of information, which refers to the history of mound burial grounds researches on the territory of Shchara river basin. Also because of archaeological data the question connected with the definition of ethnicity of the Middle Ages population in the region, has been considered.
60-65 621
Article is devoted to consideration of semantic fields of color structural organization and composition in lexical-semantic systems of Russian and Belarusian languages at present stage of their functioning. The comparison resulted in defining the similarities and differences between lexical sets of closely related languages both in plan of expression and content.
66-74 539
Article presents methods to creation of onomasiological portrait oof the fiction writing character. It based on the consideration of theoretical issues that define the essence of onomasiological portrait, systematic justification of its construction mechanisms, as well as establishing techniques for the underlying distribution of nominative units in a literary text.
75-80 576
Modem Museum and exhibition design for the past half-century have undergone strong changes in the species composition. In the article author discusses the evolution of military-historical museums in Belarus against the background of the Museum’s practice development of our nearest neighboring countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Russia. In addition, he shows the influence of new political views on military history in the post-war modernization and renovation of museums throughout the world. First authors of publications and studies on the subject were specialists not having significant personal experience to create experiential museums. These unilateral views on the specific structure of the military-historical Museum resulted misunderstanding its specificity. Jubilee celebrations devoted to 70th anniversary of Victory mark a certain phase in life of the young independent State. Events dedicated to the anniversary and the opening of a new modern museum building on Winners Avenue are a logical result of the evolution of military-historical museums in Belarus during the first decade of the XXI century.
81-85 604
Article provides analysis and assessment of the European trends of realism and impressionism impacted to the art of the modern Chinese painter Pan Yuylyan. Author of the article defined notions of the interpretation in painting and the unique character of interpretation combined with traditional national images, methods of composition and realization of the image used by the artist. In addition, the author revealed some approaches that contribute to the development and conservation of national and regional features of the modern Chinese painting and updating them in a global context.
86-91 760
Author of the article shows the aesthetic distance formation between the literary writing and readers. For this aims the author used such receptive aesthetics concepts as «expectation horizon» and «aesthetic distance». Simultaneously the author gives attention to such widespread but poor investigated phenomenon as reader’s control. Basis for the investigation is writing by Belarusian classical writer Maxim Bogdanovich the narrative «Apokrif» both original and translation under the name «Parable about cornflowers». On this example, the author shows the aesthetic distance formation between the writing and readers.
92-98 590
Author shows the most essential characteristics of the Early American literature in the article. Poetics special features of a prominent representative of New England literature XVII-XVIII Cotton Mather (I663-1728), his art style and problems of his literary creation have been described in the article. Author of the article concludes that C. Mather formed «massive» writing style in the synthesis of various genre trends included epics, documentaries, memoirs, etc. Author argues that Puritan artistic world subordinated to strict moral principles. It exists in parallel «unreliable» and «foggy» history of humanity. Besides, author concludes that in the core of such a system of values is not only the Bible but also multiple myths created in context of the Puritan vision of the world, describing the options for the possible development of human history. Such «creation of human history» is probably the cornerstone of a Puritan paradigm of social knowledge.
99-104 842
Article is devoted to actual problems of public relations legal regulation at the present period. Scientist analyzed views regarding the limits of public relations legal regulation, drew attention to the existing shortcomings here, expressed ideas and proposals aimed at improving the effectiveness of legal remedies in the field of public administration.
105-109 595
Authors elucidate in the article the problem of the constitutional and legal mechanism absence for the implementation of human rights to refuse from the removal of organs for transplantation in the Russian Federation. In order to implement this right, the authors propose to consolidate abilities to lock out of the removal of organs after death by its reflection on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Health.
110-115 641
Author of the article investigates investments in the service sphere of Minsk. Conducted analyzes has shown that main sources of investments for many sectors of the service sphere are the budget resources. Author has developed proposals to intake private investments through the mechanism of the state-private partnership. The city of Minsk development as a center of the full-scale services needs the creation the multifunctional zones such as the net of the national multichannel distribution, IT centers, innovative development zones, the ring of the transport and logistic centers, touristic and recreational zones and others. Author defines the perspective forms of the state-private partnership for different kinds of services. Effective mechanism of interaction between state and private economic sectors appears concession permitting the optimal risk allocation between the participants of the project as well as to maintain levers of the property management. Author gives recommendations to realize through the State and Private (SP)-scheme the project of the “electronic government”. In the sphere of housing it could be effective the conduction of the power-efficient undertakings using the power service contracts. There are perspective schemes of the state-private partnerships developed to the successful rendering of services for transport, education, health protection etc. Author has developed requirements for the successful realization of the SP-projects in Belarus.
ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)