Problems of the virtual reality became recently an integral part of everyday reality, leading to the creation of new interests, the motives of conduct, goals, values and attitudes. Penetration of the latest technologies in all spheres of human life not only helps solve many problems, but creates new ones. Review of virtual reality with the socio-philosophical perspective would make it possible to identify trends in the development of ideas about virtual reality, to analyze its impact on the value meaningful areas of life for young people.
In the article author discusses the problem of the origin of the dualistic cosmogonies in popular religions of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. It is suggested that dualistic views were not spread under the influence of literature of the Bulgarian Bogomils, but, more likely, a dualism both of the folk cosmogonies and of the bogomilism was inherited from a more ancient common source. As a confirmation of this hypothesis a rare motif of the Belarusian cosmogony is considered, which has prototype only in the ancient Indian cosmogonic texts of the Dzaiminīya school of the «SAMAVEDA» and of the later Orphics.
Problems of the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of effective reproduction aspects for scientific and scientificeducational high-qualified workers have been presented in the article. A new approach has been proposed in the article, too. It bases on the cohort analysis of educational way for the talented youth. Following the results, the author makes a conclusion that effectiveness of reproduction system is low.
In the article, the author discusses the process of genesis and dynamics of social events in the community. Researcher analyzes the structure of social events, as well as empirical indicators to measure the social events during the sociological research.
Article is devoted to the scientific treatment of accumulated historiography of information about the color complex of the French army in a military campaign in 1812 supplemented by documentary sources. According to our classification and typology, the conclusion is that, the highest place in their hierarchy occupied by eagles-tops, corresponding the status of national relics.
Author of the article investigated the position of the Brest voivodship gentry in the choice of the king in 1733. At the Brest pre-election “sejmik” (before Election province assembly), all the nobility splits into two groups due to a conflict of Józef Franciszek Sapieha and Anthony Poсej on the election of «povet» colonel. The nobility groups of Sapiehs and Radzivills, supported Sapieha, but Jan Fryderyk Sapieha and the Czartorysks supported Pocej. This internal conflict has not affected on the position of the Brest voivodship gentry in the problem of the king election. Both groups of Brest gentry sworn to the resolution of The Convocation Sejm. After that, the Election Sejm voted for the election of Stanislaw I Leszczynski as a King.
Confessional policy of the State Duma of the Russian Empire concerning to the Northwestern provinces in the early 20th century has been revealed in the article. Peculiarities of the religion policy have been described, too. The author analyzes positions of the western provinces’ deputies, their influence on drafting religions laws and implementation of confessional policy. The conclusion about dependency of this policy on outlook and views of particular Russian officials has been made. In minds of Russian authorities and local officials, in particular the idea about the negative consequences of the restrictive attitude in the sphere of confessional relations was gradually arising. Nevertheless, Russian autocracy despite the initiatives of the State Duma deputies did not show readiness to radical changes of the religious legislature.
Macrostructural features of the Belarusian translation terminological dictionaries of the twentieth century (in the 20–80-ies) studied by the author of the article. On the basis of broad factual material (about 100 comparative terminographical works) basic ways of terminological vocabulary logging are clearly identified and described in detail. The most common forms of presentation of mono- and polilekseme capital terminological units are singled out. The presentational issue of homonyms and polisemant words within macrostructure of terminology referencebook is considered.
In this article, the author explores nature of relations between such members of the Russian and Belarusian lexicalsemantic fields (LSF) as «Pogoda» / «Nadvor᾽e» («Weather») with elements of adjacent LSF. Researcher outlines that lexical microsystems with meteorological fields show the greatest area of intersection.
In the article, the problem of reassessing techniques of stage design on a narrow permanent period from 18th to 21st centuries has been shown. Complex and variable structure of the modern exposition has its own history. It developed dynamically in the era of industrial revolution and the emergence of design as a new type of economic activity of humanity. Eidofuzikon and dioramas entropy in the theater has resonance in the field of Museum design. The Museum has become complex technical objects for two centuries and entered a new stage of its development. Techniques of decorative art described in article created the preconditions for the formation of a new architectural sculpture in works of outstanding architects of the world, who do not get tired to surprise the world with their unique projects. The Museum of the future is rooted in the past and both eidofuzikon and diorama as a symbiosis of technology and original inventions changed parametric structure of exposition.
A historiographical review in the article is devoted to research achievements in the collection, systematization and analysis of Belarusian folk veterinary materials. Considerable attention is paid to the question of collection and study of economic cycle magic spells and spells against diseases of domestic animals as its part. Structural and semiotic method is marked as the main theoretical approach suitable for folklore materials on traditional veterinary studies.
In the article, the author discusses how to implement the emotions through the planes of content and expression. It was found that the facilities of emotional determination in fiction acquire a function of style formation.
Author of the article outlines the most general trends for Belarusian comic poetry of the nineteenth century. They include such forms as: monologue or dialogic narrative form with a tendency towards a prosaic narration; appealing to the image of the peasant-narrator; using of literary works as means of understanding the existing events and phenomena through the prism of a peasant worldview; a close interconnection of the literary works with the public comic culture, folklore, which manifests itself at all levels of the text; frequent use of external comic devices; use of the travesty plot arrangement; appeal to the literary tradition of buffoonery; attention to the artistic images of the Belarusian national mentality and humor. In addition, the article reveals the frequency of use of certain comic techniques in the selected comic works and provides conclusions on mechanisms of these techniques functioning in the text.
Application of restrictive measures by the EU to natural and legal persons, on the first hand in the form of freezing assets, prevents their fulfillment of contracts obligations, is able to infringe interests of their counteragents as well as states. This article focuses to the notion and characteristics of force majeure in contract law, determines specifics of the EU restrictive measures, and assesses possibility to view these measures as force majeure in civil litigation.
Author of the article analyzes the rights and responsibilities of social communities in constitutional law. The author proposes to divide the constitutional rights and obligations for universal and special. It is their approximate list based on constitutional and legal norms. Determined by the time of the legal capacity of «organizations» and «common people» as a kind of social communities in constitutional law.
Тhe article deals with major international ratings related with evaluation of social development level. Results achieved by the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of social development are estimated on the base of international indeces. Positions of the Republic of Belarus in social components of international indeces have been compared with ones those of other countries.
This article aims to prepare proposals for Intellectual Property Management System at macro and micro levels, covering legislative, institutional and financial and personnel components.
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)