The article analyzes the results and achievements of scholars-humanists in the recent years. The work denotes unparalleled and the most important fundamental studies that reveal rich historical, cultural and spiritual stratum of Belarusian people. Authors also show the place and the role of social and humanitarian sciences in Belarusian society.
The work stresses that the main objective of the research of scholars-humanists is not only the defence of the historical legitimacy of the Belarusian statehood and national-state interests of the Republic of Belarus in the world community, but also the preservation of the spiritual, material, historical and cultural values of Belarusian people and the strengthening of both: the country’s international prestige and Belarusian humanitarian science.
And finally, the paper presents quantitative results of the research and the most significant practical achievements of scholars accomplished in the recent years.
Actual problems of interrelation of philosophy, science and society are considered in the article, a new strategy of social progress based on the priorities of theoretical knowledge and values of philosophical reflection is justified; modern functions of the ethos of science, features of its state and public understanding are revealed.
The conceptual analysis of the problematization of the crisis of trust in the context of existential philosophy is performed in the article, paying special attention to the specificity of the ambivalent interpretation of the ontological and phenomenological levels of trust as the value basis for social interaction. Addressing the works of K. Jaspers, M. Buber, O. F. Bollnov, N. Abbagnano, the ways of overcoming the crisis bases of trust and the conditions of the “possibility of possibilities” of trust as a positive existential of responsible coexistence are analyzed. The conceptualization of trust as an existential self-determination in the horizons of reliability of world and readiness for vulnerability is presented.
An existential analytics of the phenomenological level of trust in the interpretation of strategies of critical optimism and suspicion practices is proposed, which allowed us to consider the constructive and destructive effects of trust in terms of meaningful problems of choice, fear, anxiety, concern, freedom, responsibility in the “trust-to-the-world” and “trust-to-Other” horizons, conceptualizing internal and external resources of basic expectations of reliability, security, optimistic openness and pulsating humanity.
The institutionalization of sociology in the National Academy of Sciences is conceptualized. The connection between this process and poliparadigmality of sociological research in the Institute of Sociology is characterized. The features of theoretical and empirically applied sociological research in the field of political, economic, ethnonational, regional sociology, the sociology of science, education, culture and other fields of sociological knowledge are revealed. The importance of social technologies is presented.
The article justifies the conclusion that small and medium business is the most important component of the development of a modern state, a mean for achieving its social and economic goals. The overall objectives of the country’s development are simultaneously the goals of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. Thus, in recent years, attempts have been made to move the national economy and Belarusian society to a new model of economic development, to increase economic activity of small and medium-sized businesses as the most important catalysts for the state’s advancement. The phenomenon of a modern representative of the Belarusian small and medium business is studied in the work. His essence, development tendencies and their refraction in the Belarusian social and economic reality are determined, a sociological model of motivation and characteristic personal traits, qualities and characteristics is proposed.
The article presents the major accomplishments of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in recent years – the leading scientific organization in the field of fundamental and applied research on national and universal history, archaeology and anthropology, including organization and implementation of activities to study and preserve the historical, cultural and archaeological heritage of the country, practical application and popularization.
In the year of the 90th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus the Institute incorporates 5 centers: the Center of Archaeology and Ancient History of Belarus (including departments of archaeology of primitive society, archaeology of the Middle Ages and Modern times, the department of preservation and using of archaeological heritage, the department of history of Belarus in the Middle Ages and early Modern times); the Center of Modern and Contemporary History of Belarus (including departments of history of Belarus in modern times, the military history of Belarus, the department of the newest history of Belarus); the Center of History and Anthropology Related Sciences (including departments of genealogy, heraldry and numismatics, the department of source studies and archeography, the departments of historiography and methods of historical research, anthropology); the Center of General History and International Relations; the Center for History of Geopolitics.
The Institute has an Archaeological Scientific and Museum Exposition, the Central Scientific Archive of NAS of Belarus (including the only one in the country Fund of archaeological research documents) and the International School of Historical and Archaeological Research.
The article focuses on the achievements of scientists in the framework of fulfilling the tasks of the subprogram “History and Culture” of the state research program “Economics and Humanitarian Development of the Belarusian Society” for 2016– 2020, as well as the results that were included in the TOP 10 achievements of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, important publications, scientific and practical events, prospects for the development of scientific research.
The main directions and results of the 150-year study of flint artifacts from Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements of Belarusian Neman region are presented in this article. The study of flint industry has passed a long way from a simple description to a detailed analysis and systematization, the development of a typology and the creation of classification schemes. Since the second half of the 20th century the methods of natural sciences were begun to be employed in the analysis of flint assemblages. But despite the previous active work of researchers there are still a number of unsolved issues and tasks that require further study.
The study is devoted to the scientific activity of the outstanding Belarusian scientist J. Narkiewicz-Jodko. Based on the study of a wide range of sources revealed as a search result in the archives and libraries of Belarus and foreign countries, many little-known facts from the life of the researcher have been refined. The historical and bibliographic analysis of the publications of the late XIX – early XX centuries allowed to consider various directions of the scientist’s activity, his active creative connections that make a considerable interest for studying the history of cooperation between representatives of Belarusian and Western European scientific thought.
The article considers the main historical stages of one of the oldest scientific institutions in Belarus, the Jakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics, describes its current state and determines the perspectives of the academic linguistics development.
The article is devoted to the research of the Center for Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus that was created in 2012 on the basis of K. Krapiva Institute of Art Studies, Ethnography and Folklore, Y. Kolas and Y. Kupala institutes of language and literature. The stages of the institutes research activity, fundamental scientific works, scientific schools, contribution to the humanities of leading scientists, and immediate and remote prospects of research in the fields of culture, language and literature are analyzed.
The article analyzes the principles that make up the constitutional legality and unity of the legal space in the Russian Federation. The role of Prosecutor’s authorities and judicial bodies in ensuring constitutional legality and unity of legal space in Russia is shown.
The article presents information about the main milestones in developmental and formation history of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the key results of research activities of scientists are briefly described.
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)