
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Vol 67, No 3 (2022)
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263-269 373

The internationalisation of higher education is being implemented in various national conditions, the understanding of which can shed light on the integration function of this phenomenon. Identifying primary and secondary stakeholders, analyzing the functional regimes of higher education, it becomes possible to identify opportunities for conjugation and interaction between academic institutions around the world. By analyzing the decision-making system in specific national conditions and higher education institutions, it becomes possible to understand how could be established the interaction tracks between various stakeholders acting in various national environment, allowing to institutionalize the channels of international communication and expanding cooperation.

270–280 459

The a rticle presents a n a nalysis of religious identity depending on the t ype of locality, region, confessional affiliation, age of respondents. Global trends are taken into account, which affects identification processes, secularization urbanization, religious diversity in large cities, and leads to the formation of a special type of urban culture, characterized by the simultaneous decline and growth of religious consciousness, blurring the boundaries of the religious and non-religious way of life of citizens. Based on the data of a sociological survey conducted in 2021 by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, a comparative analysis of the confessional, religious structure of various population groups has been carried out, the level of trust in the main Christian churches has been revealed. The conclusion has been made about the specifics of the own way of development of the Belarusian society, which is characterized by wide opportunities for worldview and identification choice in large cities, where a certain part of the inhabitants consider themselves free from religious influences.


281-288 430

The article analyzes the pre-revolutionary historiography of the monarchist movement as part of the political history of Belarus in the early twentieth century. The early researchers managed to collect and systematize extensive factual material about right-wing political organizations. At the same time, the analysis of the works of ideologists and leaders of political parties gives reason to believe that they were propagandistic and primarily aimed at fighting their political opponents.


289-300 555

The relevance of the systems approach in the science of language in recent decades has led to the popularity of studying complex units of the word formation system (word-formation pairs, type, paradigm, chain, nest). The article is devoted to the description of the word-formation chain as a syntagmatic derivational structure organized by the stepped formation of each derivative in a certain word-formation way. The phenomenon of through-the-stepped word formation is described, which results in omission of a motivating lexeme and indicating the incompleteness of the derivational chain. The paper lists the criteria for typing and abstraction of word-formation chains within the LSG of emotive verbs. According to the degree of abstraction the hierarchy of derivational chains is presented: specific, typical, categorical word-formation chains. The author of the article draws attention to the need to single out an even more typified association of word-formation chains, based on the equal-thematic nature of word-formation meanings – supercategorical word-formation chains. These structures represent an invariant derivational model typing categorical derivational chains of one LSG. The paper notes the need to highlight such abstracted word-formation models as a means of ordering the derivational system of the language.


301-308 404

The article considers the specifics of the manifestation of symphonism in the musical and theatrical art, the peculiarity of relations – the interaction and interpenetration of the musical and theatrical principles of thinking in the genres of opera and ballet, which allows us to actualize the problem of musical and theatrical symphonism. The main and most important thing for understanding this phenomenon is the identification of the actual musical-symphonic or symphonized construction, in which theatricality or theatrical action is clothed. The selected historical and theoretical perspective allows us to determine the symphonic constructions of the bicentric, polycentric and monocentric types.


309-319 336

The forgotten, insufficiently explored pages of West-Belarusian poetry in the 20s – 30s of the XX century and Yanka Bylina, Stanislau Stankevich, Ulad-Initsky’s ideological and esthetic searches are analyzed in the article. The creative work of poets is seen in the context of acute socio-economic, spiritual and national problems and contradictions of reality, in line with the traditions of the leading, lyrical and narrative, style trends of national literature.
The author notes the plot and novelistic nature of Y. Bylina’s verses which were characterized by a quiet narrative tone, objectified imagery, S. Stankevich’s i nclination t o t he s atirical a nd h umorous i dentification o f t he s ocial c ircumstances and the internal world of man, to the use of themes, motives and images of social and ethnographic fillings, underlines Ulad- Initsky’s engagement in national patriotic issues, poet’s appeal to symbolic imagery, etc.


320-331 1042

Information technology is an important part of government at the local level. Also, information technologies make it possible for citizens to participate in the management of local life. These relations constitute an electronic municipality (E-municipality). An electronic municipality cannot be effectively used without a scientific base. In the Republic of Belarus, the electronic municipality has specifics due to the presence of two independent systems at the local level – the system of local government and local self-government. At the moment, such elements of an electronic municipality as the representation of local authorities on the Internet, electronic appeals, electronic rulemaking are working in Belarus. However, there are problems in their work. The following forms are not used: electronic elections, electronic voting, electronic reception offices of authorities, electronic meetings, etc. The development and commissioning of a Unified portal of local self-government will be able to solve these problems. The portal will solve the problem of poor representation of local authorities in the online space, will become the basis for the development of electronic rule-making, and eventually – electronic elections, electronic referendums, electronic meetings and other forms of electronic direct democracy.


332-340 468

The development of the concept of cost accounting of ecosystem services of forests in the context of the theory of natural-ecological accounting is presented, taking into account the characteristics of forests as object of national accounting and sustainable nature management.
The main objectives of the study are to identify the need to distinguish between natural and environmental capital, to determine their relationship and differences; to show the expediency of identifying physical and cost indicators of ecosystem services, the accounting role of the timber reserve as a producer of ecosystem services. A method for cost accounting of ecosystem services based on the theory of reproduction and ecological rent is proposed.
The results of the study are expressed in a concentrated form by the conceptual scheme for constructing a cost accounting for forest ecosystem services. The content of the value measurement of forest ecosystem services depends on their belonging to natural or ecological capital.

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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)