No 4 (2014)
15-20 633
Article contains elements of the philosophical knowledge and its role in interdisciplinary research projects substantial analysis. Several functions of philosophy both interdisciplinary integration and ensuring the progress of scientific knowledge in general have been discussed, too. They are: meditative, reflective and generative ones. In the paper the significance of interdisciplinary cooperation for philosophy itself, merely for overcoming crisis tendencies in the philosophical knowledge and expanding the field of philosophical researches of current interest has been substantiated.
21-26 748
In this article the author reveals problems of meaning projection in professional activity in frames of professional culture of physicians. This article explores the role of conception of professionalism in process of the professional culture forming. Based on practical researches results it reveals types of professionalism conceptions and styles of professional culture practice.
27-32 591
In this scientific article the author using statistics and results of sociological researches considers the modern information environment in the Republic of Belarus. Its' important feature is a dynamic process of increasing impact of new electronic media on social actors and processes, including professional socialization of students. The avalanche growth in popularity and influence of the Internet have been noted as a source of general cultural and professional information, a means of communication, a form of recreation and entertainment, satisfaction of amateur interests of students.
41-50 733
In the article the author gives review of the paleoanthropological researches, done on the territory of Belarus since 1960-s. The core of this research is the anthropological material, got in the process of the archeological excavations, carried out on the territory of Belarus in ХХ century and up to now. The author dwells on the results of anthropological research by G. Debets in 1930-s, which were devoted to the craniological collection, lost during World War II. Excavations of rural cemeteries of the end of XVIII-XIX centuries in all the districts of Belarus were carried out by I. Salivon at the end of 1960-s. These cemeteries are very close to the modern ones from the aspect of burial. Data on the town craniological series of Navahrudak of XI-XIII centuries given by the archeologists F. Hurevich, K. Pavlova were studied. Data on craniological series of the same period, got by A. Kviatkovskaya on the territory of the oblast of Hrodna during the excavations of the sepulchers with stone facing were studied too as well as series of X-XIV centuries, got by Т. Karobushkina when excavating the burial mounds in the district of Brest. It was I. Salivon who found out the peculiarities of the epochal changing since XIII centuries. These peculiarities consisted in slow brachycephalisation of the population of the Belarusian land. I. Salivon discovered the continuity between two series in spite of belonging of Navahrudak series of XI-XIII centuries to the urban population and of belonging of the series of XVIII-XIX centuries to the rural population. The Belarusian series of XVIII-XIX centuries in opinion of I. Salivon appeared to be one of the variants of the Caucasian race - close to the Baltic type, but they were notable for the combination of an average protruding nose of an average width with a little bit low bridge of nose, on one hand, and a weakened profile on the eye socket level. The conclusion of the author corresponds with the hypothesis of V. Bunak, who placed the Baltic zone south border between the Dnieper and the Neman along the upper reaches of the Western Dvina left tributary. It was I. Chakvin, H. Chesnis, A. Kushnir who continued the ancient population researches. I. Chakvin and H. Chesnis were the first ones to try to reconstruct of the death rate and life expectancy of the medieval population that lived near the Western Dvina and the Neman rivers. These scientists noted that the continuity and changeability processes of the basic craniological features happened from X to XIX century in the different districts of Belarus with some variability. O. Yemelianchyk continued this anthropological structure study of the Belarusian population in XI-XIX centuries. She measured a lot of new craniological materials from the territory near Polatsk and its border regions. Belarusian land migration problems and the aspects of historical paleodemography have been analyzed. Cases of paleopathological skeleton changes of the ancient population (illustrated by the anaemic stress factor (Lat. cribio orbitalia)) have been studied.
51-64 981
Study of the history of perestroika - one of the topical problems of the Belarusian historiography. Belarusian historians have not still accumulated scientific papers in the format of theses or monographs on the history of perestroika (the restructuring), including the history and development of agricultural production. Policy of acceleration of the USSR social and economic development, which was adopted in 1986, was declarative and optimistic. Gorbachev's leadership did not provide any other scenarios and possible directions of country development. This short-sighted, erroneous position of the party and political leadership would later play a crucial role in the fate of the Soviet state. In the late 1988 it was revealed that the rate of acceleration of social and economic development hadn't only brought positive results, but also lead the country to a crisis, Gorbachev's leadership hadn't provided any alternative action programs. The same situation was typical for agriculture. The transition process of changing agriculture to the new economic mechanism, the organization of production, based on the principles of self-government and self-financing, was contradictory. There wasn't any experience of proceedings based on the rental organization of labor in farms. There was not appropriate legal framework. It leaded to a different kinds of abuse. Part of the administrative and managerial staff wasn't interested in the implementation of cost accounting and rent. Pricing policy of the state didn't motivate the development of agricultural production. Increased profitability of agriculture in BSSR in 1990 was the result of increased procurement prices for agricultural products. However, despite the difficulties arising from consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, agriculture in the Soviet Belarus had been developing slowly. Entry into the crisis zone began in the second half of 1990. Collective and state farms were mainly the resource base of organization and development of the cooperative movement. Activities of producers' cooperatives, which were created in agriculture, were built on the principles of the lease. Motivation of cooperation, built on the financial «maintenance» of cooperatives by collective and state farms, was one of the areas of Gorbachev's policy to eliminate the latter. The source of the social contradictions development were such cooperatives in the villages, farmers were displeased by agricultural policy of the ruling party. In Belarus, the peasant (farmer's) farms couldn't become a real alternative to the collective farms and state farms. They had to go a long way of evolution and adaptation to modern production. The country had not prospects and policies for rapid redistribution of farm property and the destruction of collective and state farms. In 1990, the party and state leadership of the BSSR refused to pursue a policy of Gorbachev's perestroika. Later there was developed its own program of social and economic transformation, based on the idea of a gradual transition to a socially oriented market economy. After that, the party and state institutions of the Soviet Belorussia actually went into opposition to Mikhail Gorbachev's leadership. It was a principled position of the Belarusian party and state elite.
65-69 615
This article describes actualization modes of expressive values in the modern Belarusian speaking. The basic types of actualizing words and syntax constructions have been considered.
70-74 647
The article is dedicated to the analysis of innovations-homonyms, which are characteristic of the zone of Belarusian-Polish areal interaction. Comparative analysis of the lingua-geographical, structural-semantic, etymological data about Polish areal innovations with Belarusian as well as other Slavic and non-Slavic data. It makes possible to trace dynamics and to identify peculiarities of the development of homonymy in inter-linguistic links.
75-79 615
Article describes the concept of creation several zones of tourist-recreational type based on integrative employment of natural landscapes, historical and cultural heritage (historical and archaeological, architectural, ethnographic, folklore, etc.). It substantiated the allocation of 52 zones of this type in all regions of the country. Many of them could become local tourist brands («The Country Sakuns», «Zagorodiye», «Pogorynskie gorodky», etc.). There are offered several science-based meridional transit routes («Belarusian Meridian»), a tourist area in the outskirts of the capital «Ancient Ring of Minsk».
80-84 1472
In this article the naive art of Belarus of the XX century has been concerned. According to the main tendencies of nonprofessional creativity development such as imitation of professional art, repetition and canonization of own style, internal dialogue with itself there are allocated fans, naive realists, artists of internal requirement. Creative method features and stylistic lines of the art directors creativity have been analyzed, too.
85-90 722
This article is dedicated to Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian ceramic toys. The idea of the article is the consideration of resemblance features and differences between their traditional toys.
91-94 597
In the article the author intents to demonstrate as knowledge from the field of synergy transforms into the poetic work. The author defines such main ideas of synergy as complex nonlinear system, fluctuation, order parameters, bifurcation point. Degree of their manifestation in the poetic work has been estimated, too. In result the author comes to conclusion that owing to the phono-semantic component, poetry acquires status of the complex synergetic system.
95-100 747
Theory of crimes qualification has been considered by the author as a part of the legal reality. The article describes concept of the legal situation and reveals its specificity in process of the crimes qualification. Also it marks features and shortcomings of approaches to understanding the legal reality in the classical philosophical methodology. Particular attention has been paid to non-classical philosophical approaches to understanding the legal reality in the process of crimes qualification, mostly phenomenological-hermeneutical approach.
101-105 796
Article reveals the nature and content of such a theft as an independent form of abuse of power and socio-political foundations of establishing criminal prohibitions for this criminal behavior in the property sector. Criminal legal justification for the criminalization of the method of theft has been given. Concepts of «abuse of office» and «abuse of power» have been distinguished. The author substantiates the idea of self-indication in the text of the Criminal Code for theft by use of the official authority as a special kind of violence forms.
106-111 637
Article defines the peculiarities of social capital theory and the approach to its measurement at the macro level in the context of innovative economic development. International comparisons to substantiate the interrelationship and interdependence of social capital and innovative development are performed. Certain factors affecting the quality of social capital in the innovative development of different countries are identified.
Studies of competitive abilities of the tourist market in branch of the sanatoria and health resorts
112-117 656
Recently researchers have suggested a multidimensional and focused approach towards competitiveness investigations in tourism. There is lack of such adaptive methodical approaches for the sanatoria segment of tourist market despite the great role of the latter in the tourism industry of the post-Soviet countries. This paper addresses the appropriate methodical approach to investigate the sanatoria segment competitiveness. Specifics of the basic forms of competition typical for tourist industry have been analyzed for the health and wellness tourism. Process approaches to the definition of sanatoria segment competitiveness have been presented in the article. System of specific economic and managerial processes and sub-processes qualifies characteristics for the subject of inquiry.
4-14 665
Global social and environmental crisis, its origin and consequences have been analyzed in the article. Data on the world population growth and expansion of technosphere have been discussed. Expansion of technosphere causes the global climate change. Increasing of biodiversity loss rates accelerates the erosion of genosphere which ensured the stability of whole planetary system. In order to combat the negative effects of global changes the concept of sustainable development has been elaborated in the world. It includes and integrates environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and socio-political sustainability. Under the United Nations auspices there were held three planetary summits, which developed a strategy to address the global crisis and to strengthen international cooperation with the aim of building a sustainable future for all people on our planet.
ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)