
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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No 3 (2016)
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4-11 1255
There have been identified and specified the following basic concepts that help to study the state and dynamics of the intelligence of nations at the philosophical and theoretical level: “human capital”, “intellectual capital”, “level of development of intellectual capital”, “degree of involvement of intellectual capital into the economic and spiritual life of society”, etc. There have been determined the structural elements of intellectual capital; revealed the nature and dynamics of relations between human capital and intellectual capital; identified the specifics of the effect of different internal and external, objective and subjective factors on the formation of intellectual capital. There has been represented a perspective of intellectual capital of Belarus in the context of globalization and regionalization and the social project of “post-economic society”, which helped to review the issue on intellectual capital subjects and its national origin. There have been also justified the scenarios of economic development of Belarus in the context of dynamics of the national intellectual capital.
12-19 1100
The article is devoted to the analysis of the early period of creative work of the Belarusian thinker of the 17th century Simeon Polotsky. It has been revealed the influence of the ideas of the Kiev-Mogylansky Collegium on the molding of opinions of the enlightener. It was proved that the activity of Simeon Polotsky in that epoch became a sign of the process of convergence of Eastern-Christian and Western-Christian worlds, the development of the dialogue of East Slavic cultural traditions and the West European perception of the world, the creation of the All-European Christian community.
20-26 783

The article reveals distinctions in the level of birth rate depending on the size of cities. It is defined that the birth rate potential even in larger cities is approximately equal to the level of simple replacement of generations. Requirements of the population for the birth of children are defined. Impossibility of their satisfaction in the present circumstances is shown. On the basis of the received data recommendations on the state policy perfection in this field have been suggested.

27-32 881
This article discusses the concepts of social capital and social network analysis in their historical development and interaction. Basic principles and research strategies have been outlined. The perspectives of the online network studying are also highlighted. Research potential and educational opportunities of the network approach and network analysis, complementing the possibilies of rational action theory have been shown.


33-39 759

The article deals with such unexplored aspect of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly election, as the participation of the peasant masses of the northwestern provinces of Russia. The author, having studied archival sources, gives evidence of the high peasants activity in the Constituent Assembly election. However, being mostly illiterate, the peasants were unable to register their independent candidate electoral lists, and were forced to vote for the lists of Russian political parties. Peasants gave their preference to the Social Revolutionary party, but the Bolsheviks were able to get quite a number of peasants votes, influencing the peasant masses with the help of soldiers of the Northern and Western fronts of the Russian army loyal to Bolsheviks.

40-51 870
The author highlighted the periods, characterized their peculiarities. It has been noted that more than 70 theses have been created in the post-war years in Belarus. The author focused attention on the problems which remained out of sight of historians or were insufficiently studied.


52-59 914
The article is devoted to the analysis of the main researches in the field of Belarusian dialect syntax from the 1920s of the 20th century to the present day. Based on the compiled list calculations of works on the syntax of folk dialects, belonging to different scientific and educational genres, such as dissertations, monographs, atlases have been made.
60-66 866
The research intends to show through the comparative analysis of language means a number of universal and specific features in the linguistic realisations of the images of a man and a woman in Belarusian and English proverbs.
67-73 974

The article is devoted to the problem of abbreviated words in the books of the 11th century. The author proposes the system of abbreviations, presents the results of investigation of such sources as the Ostromir Gospels, “Izbornik” of 1073 year, the Arkhangelsk Gospel. The author makes conclusions about the functions of abbreviations, analyzes the differences between the types of abbreviations in canonic and noncanonical parts of the text.


79-87 1071
The article investigates the phenomenon of kitsch in the visual art practices of urban space. The manifestations of kitsch in different branches of visual arts, the thematic focus and stylistic features of kitsch are reviewed. The author reveals the dangerous tendency when kitsch goes beyond the area of philistine’s life and permeates into the sphere of professional art. Obviously, policy aimed at the beautification of urban space should be reviewed, and in this article there is an attempt to develop criteria for the artworks of kitsch evaluation.
74-78 740
The author gives a comprehensive analysis of the contemporary monumental sculpture of Belarus and development trends of heroic and patriotic themes. Searches for new means of expression, plastic and composite solutions, individual creativity in the memorials dedicated to the heroic exploit of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War have been determined.


88-94 1267
The author has carried out an analysis of the novel “The Heart on the Palm” by I. Shamyakin and its translations into Russian and Polish according to the concept of phenomenolism developed in West European literary criticism in the early 20th century. It has been shown how relevance of the translation is formed, its prerequisites such as the translator’s creative approach, and deep penetration into the reality of a literary work.
95-100 719
The assessment of the condition of sociology of literature as a segment of contemporary Belarusian literary and interdisciplinary studies is presented in the article. In a discourse of the end of 1990 and the middle of 2010 attention to the Belarusian literature as a social phenomenon was given in the form of spontaneous intraliterary discussions. Practical experience in the sphere of sociology of literature was saved up thanks to the initiative projects directed at studying readers’ interests and users’ priorities. The actual directions of theoretical studies and also prospects of practical sociology of the Belarusian literature are designated.
101-107 751
In the past decade the landscape of the Belarusian media space has significantly changed, there have been created new information resources. With the increasing complexity of processes in the media practice, theoretical conceptions of journalism are being modernized, key concepts are being transformed and new terms appear. The article clarifies categorical and terminological apparatus of modern media science, reflects on the state, trends and perspectives of the print media in view of the introduction of digital technologies. Attention is drawn to the fact that, according to the national tradition, journalism is considered to be a creative activity aimed not only at information, but also at educational and awareness raising tasks. The concept of journalism is being actualized, which, in the author’s opinion, is one of the axiological indicators of journalism.


108-115 1036
Terms “regionalism”, “regionalization”, “regional integration” are commonly used in contemporary scientific and practical legal and popular articles and publications. What do they mean? What is the difference between them? How do they interact with the international legal reality? A number of other questions are raised in the article and certain answers are offered by the author.
116-120 716

Modem administrative norms in the field of protection of the population and territories against emergency situations operating within a legal framework of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. On the basis of the analysis of legal structures of the considered norms the way of improvement of the administrative legislation in the field of protection of the population and territories against emergency situations for the unification of legal base of the countries of the Customs Union is offered.


121-126 869

In this article, taking into account historical experience, main features of the development of the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, which are predefined by transitive character of the economy of the participating countries, are studied. Theoretical aspects of the integration of countries into a customs union and improvement of the competitiveness of participating countries at the international level are considered. Based on the positions of modern political economy, criteria for a successful enlargement of the Customs Union of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan are developed.

ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)